


This is the season for vacation, the point is to get away from it all, to have a wonderful time, and to restore you to a place of comfort and peace. But, when the vacation is over most of us will say; “I need a vacation from my vacation”.

This is because though our intent is to download, forget about everything that causes stress to us, have fun, and to unwind. What we are really trying to achieve is restoration.

However, true restoration is not found in getting away from one location to another.

To truly be restored we must come to a realization that JESUS is the One who restores our soul. JESUS is the One who provides the great restoration that we all long for. JESUS name is and always will be at stake to prove that HE alone is the One who leads us into HIS righteousness.

Look, we all have enemies whether we know it or not. If you are a CHRISTian (believer in CHRIST JESUS) our enemy is everything that is not like JESUS. If you are a non-CHRISTian (have not received JESUS into your heart) your enemy is everything that is not like JESUS, and people who you socialize with, family or friends who are your best friend today and tomorrow will turn on you.

JESUS will lead those who belong to HIM in HIS righteousness just to make our enemies look bad. JESUS is the One who will always direct us where we are to go and what we are to say.

JESUS is not weak and HE will not roll out on us when we are in need of HIM. JESUS is steadier than a rock, yet, we can call HIM our rock. JESUS will hide us right in the middle of our enemies, you maybe familiar with the saying “you can’t see the forest for the trees.” This is how we are hidden. This is the place where we can be restored in HIM.

So many of us believe that we were once saved by the grace and mercy through CHRIST JESUS. That is true but not so much, you see from that initial receiving of JESUS, we are being saved each and everyday. The reason we may feel this way is because when we first received JESUS as our Savior it was exciting, we were on fire for the LORD, we wanted to tell everybody we came across that JESUS is real and HE is alive. Then somewhere along the line, we began to lose our zest. The reason is because we were relying on feeling JESUS with our senses and forgetting to believe by faith. Everyday we must remember that JESUS restores joy to us because of salvation. And that JESUS is a sustainer within our spirit, the true us.

Know that because JESUS is within our spirit because the LORD is Spirit that we have been freed from the bondage of everything that is not like JESUS. That means that everything negative is a bondage and we are no longer its inmate, we have true liberty in HIM.

Do you know that if you are doing or saying anything that you no longer want to do or say that you have freedom living on the inside of you? You must believe this, you are the righteousness of CHRIST JESUS. JESUS has set us free from everything that is not like HIM, I’m not going to take the time to try and name them because I’m sure I’ll miss some. But we know what has us bound, we know what is going on with us that we no longer what to have that particular thing to be apart of our life. We are completely liberated from the hands and traps of the devil. And because we are free we need to stand firm in our Savior who has set us free. No longer do any of us need to be the subject of what the devil wants us to do or say. We are restored in the righteousness of CHRIST JESUS. We are no longer in bondage to darkness which is satan.

Now it is understood why so many of GOD’s people live a defeated life. It’s because so many of GOD’s people are legalistic meaning judgmental and unloving. Why am I making this claim? Because when we see and or know that a true believer is doing something that we ourselves may have been delivered from or we may have never indulged. We come down on that CHRISTian, we try to input our desires on that person instead of the desire of JESUS. JESUS is caring and loving, HE is full of grace and mercy. Why aren’t we? When we approach a brother or sister of faith we should never make them feel condemned as we so often do. We first must know that we know the Holy Spirit is the one who will like for us to encourage and speak to an individual. The Holy Spirit never speaks in our minds, He always speak in our spirit and His voice is unmistakable and HIS words are always filled with compassion, encouragement and love. We are to be the instrument that will bring restoration to those in CHRIST JESUS who is still plagued by the enemy. Do not speak with another CHRISTian as if you have it all together because none of us do, it is by HIS grace and mercy that we have to depend on that gets us from day to day. We need to dispel that spirit of pride that causes us to be so judgmental of others because whatever you are wagging your head at and whatever you are being harsh with another about. You just might find yourself in that same position in which you will want another to be loving towards you.

Instead, be completely humble, gentle, and patient with everyone. We were all once very unloving and enemies of the FATHER because we all have walked in darkness and deafness to righteousness. It was by HIS grace that we heard the Holy Spirit speak in our spirit about JESUS and we came to HIM. Likewise, it is by grace that we encourage believers and non-believers in CHRIST JESUS with encouragement and love, showing them the error of their ways. Remember JESUS restores and through us, we are to restore as well.

We don’t always see the sickness and wounds another person lives with. All sicknesses are not something that can be diagnosed medically and neither are the wounds that can be so very deep within them. It’s because either a CHRISTian does not understand their true liberty in CHRIST JESUS or they do not know. After all, it is by faith that we must believe that we are free from everything according to the flesh which is never saved. We are free from the soul, the desires that we have in our soul based on our emotions. CHRISTians are still sick and wounded by their past and may still rely on forgetting just for the moment by using alcohol, drugs and sex with frequent partners. But my JESUS still restores health to the sick and my JESUS still heals every wound.

Psalms 23:3, 5:8, 31:3, 51:12; 2 Cor. 3:17; Galatians 5:1; 6:1, Eph. 4:2; Jeremiah 30:17



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