
c053e0e970a1e33ecab64135437fdceb--spiritual-quotes-christianityWhen we use the word divine do we use it in its proper context? I don’t believe we do because first and foremost the true and living GOD is divine with HIS nature and perfection. We are called to be godlike in our character and integrity with heavenly morals, mindset, and speech. We are to be excellent in the highest degree according to the Word of GOD. The children of the living GOD are extraordinary because we have CHRIST JESUS living within us and we live in CHRIST JESUS which is to cause us to be above what is human because we are being led by the Spirit of GOD. We have the divine invention, genius, and mind of GOD. As JESUS is so are we in this world, we celebrate HIS praise and HIS divine service through divine songs and worship. Also, those who have been appointed and called with the anointing of GOD are called into the ministry of the gospel which is the Good News of HIS grace.

The children of the living GOD has absolutely everything we lack nothing which is necessary for a dynamic spiritual life. There is no alternative belief, better way or secret knowledge which GOD has revealed to some unique group of people or through the clergy. HIS truth is available to everyone who desires it. However, for those that desire to know HIS truth, it is imperative that you desire to have a true and personal knowledge of CHRIST JESUS because HE is the One who calls us by HIS own glory and with HIS excellence. Through JESUS we have a reason to apply our own diligence to the divine promises given to us and for us to make every effort to exercise our faith supply to develop our moral excellence in HIM. In CHRIST JESUS through moral excellence, we will obtain insight and understanding and through this knowledge that we obtain we will develop self-control. In our ability to walk in self-control we will be firmly fixed and established which will reveal our godliness. In our godliness we will find ourselves having brother love for one another and because we are able to love our brothers in the faith it will not be difficult to walk in love for everyone in that we will no longer be selfish and will look for the best in those who are in the darkness of sin and be a help for them through our witness of JESUS in our life and speech or just how we live.

As children of the living GOD we are not to throw or beat others up with the Bible at all. What we are to do is to cause excitement in others which will give them strength and encouragement. What I find that many who are religious will do is be like the Pharisees and the Sadducees in pointing out the wrongs and hurling Bible scriptures without any compassion, direction, guidance, love or mercy. Grace is nonexistent and this is why so many people call those who profess to be Christian hypocrites because sinners are aware of their wrong just as they are aware that Christians are to exhibit forgiveness and love towards them. Instead of condemning we must guide by living our own lives with honor, moral courage, and integrity. This will show the world that we are separated and worthy of the living GOD who saved us from being wretched to being righteous in HIS only begotten SON JESUS. We did not call ourselves into righteousness but we answered the call of the Holy Spirit who called us into GOD’s kingdom for HIS glory.

2 Peter 1:3, 5-7, 1 Thessalonians 2:12




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