bornagainFirst used in Antioch as the descriptions of the disciples, those who follow the teachings and the ways of CHRIST. Another description that is to be used among ourselves is; brothers, the faithful, the elect, saints, and believers.

Talmidim in Hebrew is disciples. In its purest definition are those who follow closely the ways of their teacher [earthly]; [Teacher, CHRIST JESUS]. To learn his [earthly]; [HIS, CHRIST JESUS] ways in order to be a reflection of their teacher [earthly]; [Teacher, CHRIST JESUS]. Messianic Hebrew definition for anointed messengers of the Anointed One, CHRIST.

If we do not fit the definition of what is written above and have believed by faith in CHRIST JESUS so that HE will live in us, be advised you are not a brother, a CHRISTian, a disciple, the elect, the faithful or saints of GOD. CHRISTians are compelled by the Holy Spirit within them to share their testimony of CHRIST in their lives and what HE has done for them. Not only this but we share who CHRIST JESUS is and though some of us may not witness the conversion of those we have an audience with be it one person or many it is our hope that what we’ve said in truth and with a sane mind that they will receive the grace of GOD through CHRIST JESUS. True CHRISTians desire as JESUS CHRIST when HE walked this earth desired that all mankind will believe in HIM and be saved through HIM.

We are to behave; live as CHRISTians and this is the mannerism that we must present in our lives to others.

  1. Possess real love
  2. Hate evil/loath every form that we see
  3. Stand firm to all that is good
  4. Love every member of our family who has CHRIST living within them
  5. Give and show precedence with honor to those in the body of CHRIST
  6. Never procrastinate about our endeavors/that which we have the ability to do through our own efforts
  7. Allow the glow of the LORD to be seen
  8. Be rejoiceful in our hope which is our triumph due to our success and victory through CHRIST
  9. Be persistently focused and patient during the time we are suffering and stressed
  10. Always pray
  11. Help GOD’s people, our siblings in CHRIST who are in need of help
  12. Bless anyone who is being cruel towards you with their attitude and words
  13. Share in the joy that our siblings in CHRIST have instead of being envious or jealous. And be compassionate in their grief.
  14. Be agreeable or at the very least agree to disagree without confrontations
  15. Give ourselves to be helpful in tasks that we see is required or when asked
  16. Never be overconfident in what we have knowledge of or in the ways we execute what we are doing; do not be conceited
  17. Do not be revengeful
  18. Keep in mind and continue to be honest, aim to be above reproach
  19. If at all possible, after we have exerted every way, live in peace with others
  20. Knowing that our enemy is hungry, feed your enemy. Knowing that our enemy is thirsty, give your enemy water or any non-alcoholic drink to rehydrate. Being loving towards our enemy will cause shame and just may covert our enemy to CHRIST.
  21. Overcome evil by doing good and out of love.

Only those who belong to CHRIST will know and understand the liberty that we have through HIM. Exist in the freedom that we have obtained through CHRIST JESUS. Be firm in the complete liberation that we possess. Do not allow others who knew us when we were hellions to convince us that we are not new creations in CHRIST JESUS, we are totally complete in HIM.

We have the grace of being a true CHRISTian and through consistent prayer, we are determined to receive from GOD our desires. We are to remain alert and intentional with thankfulness before we even receive in the natural our request.

If we have been a new creation, have become a true believer for at least six or twelve months we will find out that we are still susceptible to suffering in this life. However, we do not suffer alone because CHRIST suffered HE is aware of what we go through. Know that we do see HIS glory because HIS glory is revealed in us and to us. So be glad when others make fun of us for being CHRISTians. They are silly minded and dead spirited without understanding, people will always make fun of what they don’t understand. We are truly a blessed nation in CHRIST JESUS all because CHRIST Spirit which is of GOD lives within us. None believers will always blaspheme CHRIST JESUS in their speaking by misuse of HIS name, calling on HIM and wanting nothing, and there is no reverence towards HIM. Do not partake, keep away from anything that has a hint of sin, do not live as a criminal, cease from gossiping and meddling in other people affairs/business, mind your own. So when people make fun of us or ridicule us for being a true CHRISTian take it in stride, be not ashamed but thank our Savior that they can see that we are the genuine article and that there will come a time that we will be the one that they will come to for prayer or guidance. 


Acts 11:26, 26:25-29; Romans 12:9-21; Galatians 5:1; Colossians 4:2; 1 Peter 4:12-16





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