Our life should be a dedication to GOD


This blog is for all to read but it’s primarily for my brother’s and sister’s who have been washed in the blood of CHRIST JESUS and grafted into HIS Vine.

We are to be encouraged by one another and be accountable sharing with each other without being judgmental of how we are desiring to dedicate our bodies to the FATHER, and we need HIS help by the Holy Spirit to be who HE said we can be in HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS. This is the reasonable sacrifice that we offer up to the FATHER daily. We live in a sinful world and spend most of our quality time with sinful people. However, just because we live in a sinful world and spend most of our time around none believers in CHRIST JESUS does not mean that we are to remain with the same character and integrity as we once had which resembled who we must be around at work, school or wherever we are to be daily. We please and worship GOD when we take on the character and image of CHRIST JESUS. I have passed by some sinners who actually smell as though they are residents of hell now because of the sulfur scent that comes from them. Not all none believers emit that scent. It’s a sickening scent and we should not want to remain in the presence of people that have that scent coming from them. And some not all but some CHRISTians actually have the scent of heaven emitting from them, I hope that if not daily though I hope to have it daily that from time to time I emit the scent of heaven from my being. I desire to be a sweet aroma to the nostrils of my DADDY and BIG BROTHER JESUS. A few years ago, I witnessed a pastor instruct the congregation to prepare for a burnt offering to bring in the New Year. Among other things that I heard her teach and behave I would speak with my sister’s in CHRIST about what we’ve witnessed. I had to make it plain that what she was teaching was no longer required and that it is the Law rather than Grace. Some of what I shared was agreeable and some of what I shared was disagreeable to my sisters. It showed me that though they are great women of GOD that they still mix law with grace. One day it came down to a showdown between the pastor and myself when she told me that I was not allowed to teach the grace of GOD and to harp on salvation. I have to explain, this knocked the wind out of my sails, but I recovered quickly and said, “so you plan to lead your congregation to hell and keep them blind to the full knowledge of CHRIST JESUS”? She did not much like that, and I asked her to never again ask me to visit her ministry or to be a guest speaker. Today, her ministry no longer exist. We need to teach that CHRIST JESUS forgives all not just some but all sin. JESUS CHRIST died for the entire world and HE rose from the dead. We need to teach that though JESUS CHRIST lived under the law and was the only One who kept each and every commandment and law that HIS teaching surpassed the law. We need to know when HE spoke law and when HE spoke grace, grace being the instrument that we are to live by today in order for us to be obedient to the commandments and law without having to memorize them or work them through performance. As well as to not become guilt driven because we did not do what is right in the sight of GOD. None of us were born when JESUS CHRIST died on that cross and none of us were alive when HE rose from the grave, yet, HE forgave us of all our sins. And because our sins have been forgiven and we believe this by faith in CHRIST JESUS to be the One and Only perfect sacrifice we no longer have a need to perform to be approved by the FATHER. Unlike our ancestors, before the death of JESUS CHRIST, they had to annually make a sacrifice to GOD for their sin. But have you ever thought about what if they sinned as they were leaving the High Priest after giving their sacrifice? It’s not a what if because they did, if not in action surely in thought, they would have to wait an entire year before offering another sacrifice. Our sacrifice was perfect in CHRIST JESUS and there is no need for HIM to lay HIMself down again on the cross and be nailed to it and die then rise again. No, it was done once and for all, never to be repeated. In CHRIST JESUS we obtained a new life for our living a life of having a personal relationship with the FATHER without an earthly mediator who was a sinner or is a sinner. Our Mediator is CHRIST JESUS our great HIGH PRIEST who was never created in sin, never born in sin, never committed sin. Because sin was not and is not in HIM.

We are not to remain as the people of the world people should see a positive change in our life. People should be attracted to what it is that we have which is CHRIST JESUS but for some, they will be repelled because they just don’t want anything to do with HIM. Let us not be like those who are religious, they may faithfully attend church service, but the proof is that the Church is not in them because it is evident that the seeds which were sown fell on weeds or thorny plants. They are more concerned about what is going on in this world rather than living for CHRIST JESUS. When we are overcome by anxiety, stress, and worries we are unproductive fruit in the Spirit. These are the things which choke the Word of GOD right out of us and we allow it to be so. CHRIST JESUS set us free by giving HIMself over for our sins, HE was obedient to the FATHER. So, why are we so in love with the world because the world surely does not love us let alone in love with us? Everything that the world has to offer is temporary and when we choose the world over CHRIST JESUS we are void of love from the FATHER.  A sin that I admittingly struggle with is this: my thoughts. Though I know to cast down negative and sinful thoughts I don’t always do so. Here is how we are to overcome negative and sinful thoughts cast them out by speaking the Word of GOD. Go ahead give yourself this test, think whatever you like, now count verbally. What happened to those thoughts? Where did they go? Our minds were not created to speak thoughts while our mouth is speaking. So, instead of thinking evil and sinful thoughts or having a back and forth conversation with the devil about what you did and who he says that you are. Speak the Word of GOD, remind yourself of who GOD is and who you are to HIM. It does not require us to speak loudly so that another person can hear, it just requires us to speak loud enough that you can hear yourself. No one is transformed outwardly in, rather we are transformed inwardly out. The change that we experience comes from the inside, not the outside. Remember that song by Pattie LaBelle “I’ve got a new attitude”? This is what we are to possess in CHRIST JESUS a new attitude by the renewing of our thoughts. Our attitude is not done by the works we perform, it’s nice to volunteer and do nice things but what is the motive behind them? If it’s not done purely out of love, grace, and mercy it’s fruitless. We are to never perform believing that it will give us entry into heaven or brownie points with GOD. CHRIST JESUS saved us not because of anything that we have done but because we were sinners far away from our CREATOR, from our heavenly GOD who is Almighty. We are saved because of GOD’s mercy towards us. We believe in CHRIST JESUS then we are washed in HIS blood and we are renewed by the Holy Spirit. Lastly, our sacrifice to GOD is to live our lives free from sexual immorality which is a sin. This is what sexual immorality is: lewdness; lust; adultery; bestiality; fornication; homosexuality or any other sexual act that I may not be aware of. The man and woman who are married to one another are omitted from sexual immorality because their marriage bed is undefiled, Heb.13:4. The will of GOD is that we are sanctified and abstain, this is our dedication and devotion to GOD.

Romans 12:1-2; Phil. 4:18; Heb. 10:18, 20;  Matt. 13:22; Gal. 1:4; 1 John 2:15; Eph. 4:23; Titus 3:5; 1 Thess. 4:3-8



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