GOD has a wonderful nature-Part 22

1e482d683bc167fe2afa647361141391GOD is truthful. HE is full of truth.

Numbers 23:19 Unlike humans who are liars because they will tell lies, GOD is not human so it is impossible to HIM to lie. GOD does not change HIS mind about anything or anyone. Whatever HE promises, HE will do just that, when HE speaks it is a done deal.

James 1:17 Every good act of kindness and every perfect gift comes from GOD above in heaven.

1 John 5:20 To know the truth we must first have a relationship with CHRIST JESUS and in order for us to know the FATHER who is the truth we must first come to know CHRIST JESUS. JESUS  CHRIST came and provided to us the true understanding of GOD. It is GOD’s desire that we live in true unity with HIM and HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS. This is who the true GOD is and this is the eternal life HE desires for us to experience with HIM.

1 John 4:2 This is how we know that a person has the Spirit of the living GOD within them, that person will openly and willingly confess from their mouth that GOD came in the flesh and HIS name is JESUS.

Luke 24:45 We need the Holy Spirit whose mission is to speak to us about CHRIST JESUS, He will open up our understanding about HIM. We will never be able to understand who GOD is or who CHRIST JESUS is without the learning from the Holy Spirit.

John 17:3 To know the true GOD and CHRIST JESUS is eternal life.

Revelation 3:7 CHRIST JESUS is Holy and Truth.

John 5:11-12 Our testimony must be that GOD has given to us eternal life, this eternal life is found only in HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS. Anyone who truly has the SON living on the inside of them and they are found living on the inside of CHRIST JESUS has the FATHER and the FATHER has them. This is true life without that you are dead.

This blog will continue from day to day for several days. So, look with great expectation so that you may get to know just who GOD is and HIS wonderful character and integrity.



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