GOD has a wonderful nature Part 14

loveGOD is Gracious. GOD is favorable and kind which means to us that HE expresses the fact that HE welcomes us with open arms as one who is a host of an event or to a home. HIS benevolence is to forgive our sins and replace sins with HIS blessings. We are renewed by HIM and implanted into HIS Grace. GOD is excellent and good.

Psalms 116:5 GOD is gracious which means to us that HE is compassionate, merciful and righteous.

Isaiah 30:18 Most of us do not realize just how patient GOD is toward us. HE longs for us with great desire, HE wants us to experience and recognize that HE is being gracious towards us. HE desires that we recognize that HE is being merciful and that HIS loving-kindness is shown towards us. The justice of GOD is a blessing towards us because we wait on HIM with great expectation the companionship, joy, love, peace and HIS victory that is given to us anew daily.

This blog will continue from day to day for several days. So, look with great expectation so that you may get to know just who GOD is and HIS wonderful character and integrity.



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