GOD has a wonderful nature-Part 29


GOD is YAHWEH JIREH, GOD is my Provider; the LORD GOD provides/will provide.

I know that in many homes some do not experience from their father’s and mother’s the necessary provision that is required. In the perfect home, it is our father that is required to properly provide for his children and the husband who provides what is required for the wife. Though many homes are not perfectly set up and the man or woman are not in their proper roles as GOD intended wives or children are not able to provide in the manner which meets the need. This is just one reason we have a GOD who is a complete provider. HE will not allow HIS children/sons to go without what is needed.

2 Corinthians 9:8 GOD is able to give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause.

GOD is a GOD of grace and HE will make sure that we will receive every earthly blessing in abundance that we are in need of so that we will seem to be self-sufficient. Receiving from GOD is our abundant gracious gift. Because HE is an overflowing kind GOD that takes care of HIS own.  

Philippians 4:19 With all of GOD’s abundant wealth through CHRIST JESUS, my GOD will supply all my needs.

GOD never gives us exactly what we stand in need of HE always gives us more than enough, we receive from HIM a liberal supply of what we need because HIS glory is rich.

This blog will continue from day to day for several days. So, look with great expectation so that you may get to know just who GOD is and HIS wonderful character and integrity.



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