GOD has a wonderful nature-Part 26


GOD is YAHWEH-RAPHA, the GOD who heals you, the LORD your healer.

We can find many scriptures throughout the entire Bible and see how GOD heals many people from all type of diseases and illnesses. I could write an entire list from the scriptures but I am trying to retain your attention so this blog will be short as all the others.

Psalms 103:2-3 Praise the LORD, my soul, and do not forget how kind HE is. HE forgives all my sins and HE heals all diseases and illnesses. [GNB]

GOD’s kindness is our benefit, so do not forget all the good you have experienced from HIM.

This blog will continue from day to day for several days. So, look with great expectation so that you may get to know just who GOD is and HIS wonderful character and integrity.



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