What If This Was You? 8

Seeing  JESUS Through The FATHER’s LOVE

The FATHER is SPIRIT. We cannot see HIS SPIRIT nor do we have the ability to stand before all of HIS glory. HE is just too powerful for us to stand before HIM in our present state. This is why when we come to the FATHER we come before HIM with our spirit. We must speak to HIM through praise, a prayer of adoration, and worship. We must allow HIS Holy Spirit to take over our being allow HIM to speak freely through our mouth, we must allow HIM to take us as HE did with John and many others, allow HIM to take us into the heavenlies to not just stand before HIM, but to climb up upon HIS knee and so that we can nestle ourselves in HIS chest so that we can hear HIS heartbeat and just allow HIM to LOVE us and we LOVE on HIM as well. Every aspect of the FATHER is LOVE.

It is HIS LOVE for us that keeps us from seeing HIM because if we could see HIM in our flesh, we would drop dead before HIM. This is why HE stood up from HIS throne and dressed in flesh and came down from the throne room and entered into the body of a woman who gave birth to her first born Son and named HIM JESUS as the angel directed Joseph to do. It is the FATHER’s LOVE for us that HE testified of JESUS. It is through HIS LOVE that we are commanded through JESUS to Love each other. It is impossible for us to Love the FATHER, to Love JESUS, or to Love the Holy Spirit and not have love toward humankind. We see people but none of us have ever laid our eyes on the FATHER or JESUS. So, if our attitude in how we treat humankind regardless of who they are does not line up with how JESUS has commanded us to love one another especially our siblings in CHRIST JESUS, it is a depiction of the love that we have toward the FATHER and JESUS. When the FATHER lives within us and we in the FATHER it is only then will Love be perfected within us.

Much like JESUS was testified of by HIS FATHER, we too should want to hear our FATHER testify of us by saying the very same thing that HE said about HIS SON JESUS and that is. “This is MY beloved SON, in whom I AM well pleased.” Do you want to hear the FATHER testify of you saying the following: This is my son, whom I love; with him, I AM well pleased [who brings me great joy, delight].” I know that I do. What child does not want to hear his or her mother and father not only say in their hearing but say to others that they love their son or daughter and that they are pleased in you or some form of oral adoration? Just as the FATHER sealed JESUS in like manner those of us who truly belong to the FATHER through CHRIST JESUS are sealed as well and that seal is the Holy Spirit living within us. Remember the FATHER showed that HE was with HIS SON JESUS so too is HE with us. How do we know this because HE said so, “ I will not leave you nor forsake [abandon, depart, desert, leave entirely, marron, quit, strand ] you” the FATHER has said this four times [Deut 3:16, 18; Josh 1:5; 1 Chrn 28:20] and if you reflect on moments of your life you will see how the FATHER has been with you every step of your way.

I previously touched on how we have not and cannot see the FATHER in the fullness of HIS glory and that none of us were among the earth’s population when JESUS moved about the earth as the Son of Man. In these next few paragraphs, I will elaborate on the FATHER’s LOVE for us though we will not get to see HIM as HE is until we are resurrected to live eternally with the FATHER, JESUS, and the Holy Spirit.

Now, when JESUS speaks to us, we can hear HIS voice but we do not see HIM. That moment in time was not granted to anyone who was born after HIS ascension. However, the day will come that we will behold HIM forever, HE will never be out of our gaze. I want to share with you a conversation between Moses and the FATHER that always causes me to cry because it reveals the intimacy between Moses and the FATHER that we too should have with HIM. The conversation is found in Exodus 33 the conversation is all about GOD’s presence but I want to focus our eyes on these verses Ex 33:12-23 I will pluck out key verses that will reveal the LOVE that our FATHER has for us.

FATHER: “I know you by name, and you have also found grace in MY sight”.

Moses: “Now, therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in YOUR sight, show me now YOUR way, that I may know YOU and that I may find grace in YOUR sight. And consider that this nation is YOUR people.”

FATHER: HE said, “MY Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” HE said, “I will make all MY goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord [JESUS] before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” But HE said, “You cannot see MY face; for no man shall see ME, and live.” And the Lord [JESUS] said, “Here is a place by ME, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while MY glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with MY hand while I pass by [passover]. Then I will take away MY hand, and you shall see MY back, but MY face shall not be seen.”

Did you notice some keys that we find in the New Testament promises? I will give you rest, that JESUS and the FATHER are identical, and that JESUS was, and is in the bosom of the FATHER, that HE is close to the FATHER’s side, and finally we see the Passover. JESUS is the KING eternal, HE is indestructible, immortal, imperishable, and invisible. HE is GOD who alone is wise, honor and glory belong to HIM forever and forever.

Amen, we have found so many nuggets of the FATHER’s LOVE towards us that we do not focus on much. I shared with you before that the book of John is my favorite book because this book provides revelation knowledge of JESUS in a manner that the other three gospels do not, yet, they are just as important to read, eat, and digest.  

John 5:37

Scripture References: 1 John 4:12; Matt. 3:17; John 6:27; 8:18; Deut. 4:12; John 1:18; 1 Tim. 1:17; 1 John 4:12  NIV, NLT, AMPC, CJB, ICB



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