We may know that a ransom is a price paid that is surrendered for someone or something that we desperately want back.
But for our CREATOR our LORD GOD our FATHER the ransom paid for the world was so much more than what we ever really consider. We really must consider for ourselves individually how HE saw us only and said you, yes you are worth the price that must be paid to come back to HIM. You dear one are that much loved, you dear one are that greatly wanted.
Adam sold himself and Eve and every descendent of his into demonic captivity and if you are not aware, we are all in and under demonic captivity. We are in bondage and prisoners of sin and satan is our warden, our jailer, our non-correctional officer.
JESUS did not step down from HIS throne and put on flesh to be served by mankind, JESUS did not even look to be worshipped by us at that time. What HE was doing was pointing us back to the FATHER through Love, Forgiveness, and to Serve. JESUS gave HIS very precious sinless life just for you, not your parents, your kids, your siblings, your neighbors, and any other people you know though HE did. You must concentrate on the fact that HE gave HIMself just-for-you.
When JESUS died on the cross just for you, it was to release you from the captivity of sin and bondage. It was to release you from being the possession of the enemy which is the devil also known as satan.
There is only one GOD and there is only one Mediator between GOD and mankind the Man CHRIST JESUS, who gave HIMself a ransom for us all. I believe you count as us as well as all.
JESUS is the only One who can speak on your behalf, HE is your, our attorney in the courtroom. When we receive HIM by faith, meaning that we believe that JESUS is all that HE is according to the Word of GOD in the book of John chapter 1 versus 1-5, 10-14, and 16-18. The gift of salvation will be that gift that will continue to keep giving in our lives.
We will be eternally thankful that JESUS paid such a costly price for us. JESUS was the only One who was able to pay that debt for procuring the pardon of our sins and the redemption of sinners for the punishment that we so rightly deserve. To be delivered from hell and the lake of everlasting fire and torment. JESUS came and rescued us from this. Believe in HIM. Take HIS gift of Salvation. Receive HIM.
I know you believe in hell because it’s a part of your vocabulary and no one speaks of anything that they know nothing of or disbelieve in.
I also know that you believe in heaven because everyone wants to go but there is only one way there and that way is through JESUS. JESUS is the Way, the Truth, and the Light.
Mark 10:45, 1 Timothy 2:6