The Prayer That Paul Prayed
Ephesians 1:17-23
We often make mention of The LORD’s prayer which is not found in Matthew 6:5-13. If we pay close attention and read these verses properly, we will come to take notice that JESUS was giving instructions on how we are to pray. In other words, it is a manner or model. So, if the verses in Matt. 6:9-13 is the manner or model as to how we are to pray, we should understand just what the words, manner, and model are defined as. Manner [custom, kind, method, sort, a way of doing or saying]. Model [it is a pattern, a standard].
Also, the manner or model is found in Luke 11:2-4 CJB-“FATHER, may YOUR name be kept holy. May YOUR Kingdom come. Give us each day the food we need. Forgive us our sins, for we too forgive everyone who has wronged us. And do not lead us to hard testing.”
This is not the LORD’s prayer but a manner or model of how or what we are to say when we pray. If we are believers we should have a clear understanding that we are already forgiven and need not ask to be forgiven but we are to ask that we are helped with the power and strength of Holy Ghost/Spirit to forgive others. The LORD’s actual noted prayer is found in John 17 in this entire chapter we are shown JESUS praying for HIMself, HIS disciples, and all believers. That my friend is the actual notation that our FATHER has allowed us to read, study, soak in, and pray if we want to pray the LORD’s prayer.
However, I am not here to write about the prayer that has been scribed for our knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from Holy Spirit of what HE said when HE prayed, but we should bless our FATHER for giving us a glimpse as to how JESUS prayed because HE prayed often and those prayers were not dictated for us to read. What I would like to delve into is the prayer of apostle Paul. Most often, we do not give this prayer the credibility that it deserves. This too is a prayer that we all can glean from and I will direct our attention to some rather critical points that our dear brother prayed so many generations ago.
- We need to ask the glorious FATHER The GOD of our LORD JESUS CHRIST to give us HIS Spirit.
- Why? Because the Spirit will make us wise and let us understand what it means to know GOD fully.
- Pray that light will flood our hearts and we will understand the hope given to us when GOD chose us.
- Why? Then we will discover the glorious blessings that will be ours together with all GOD’s people.
- Desire to have to want to know about the great and mighty power that GOD has for us followers.
- Why? Because it is the same wonderful power HE used when HE raised CHRIST from death and let HIM sit at HIS right side. [The right side is: The place of power and honor in heaven]. There CHRIST rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers. HE rules over all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well. GOD has put all things under the power of CHRIST, and for the good of the church HE has made HIM the head of everything. The church is the body of CHRIST and is filled with CHRIST who completely fills everything.
These are some most relevant points that apostle Paul prayed that can be used today much like the noted prayer of JESUS in the book of John.
For those of us who want to be transported into the realms of our home, heaven. Consider the prayer of JESUS and Paul. And if we so desire to pray the manner or model prayer make sure that it is relevant for today.