Today it seems as though people are constantly living in a state of flight or fight rather than peace. Victory through combat seems to be our only outlet. Some of us view the wrong individuals as our enemy to attempt to defeat or subdue with destruction. When all the while the real enemy is the prince of darkness.
If we will only realize that all people are mere pawns being used by the devil and his cohorts we will be able to recognize his tactics. And when I wrote all people I meant just that all people, sometimes mature CHRISTians will fall into traps as well that have been set up by the enemy. Sometimes our demeanor is not very loving and there are times when we have been known to hold on to grudges. We are trying to fight our own battles when what we should be doing is seeking the face of the LORD through prayer and delving into HIS Word regarding our attitude, emotion or situation for that time. We must remain calm and silent and allow the LORD GOD to fight our battles.
Our FATHER who is our GOD fights for HIS children. HE will cause our enemy to run in every direction away from us because they will recognize that our FATHER is fighting instead of us and that we are protected by GOD Almighty HIMself.
Life is full of trials, tests, and temptations. The trials are bad occurrences that happen in our life from time to time that may or may not be avoided it all depends on the circumstances, how well prepared we are and the wisdom we follow. The test comes from our FATHER no matter how many times we may fail the test HE will give us the test again until we pass the test. Passing the test proves to ourselves that we have grown in that particular area in CHRIST JESUS and that we trust in HIM there so we are obedient to HIM in that walk of our life. And the temptation is from the devil, we will never be tempted by anything that we are unfamiliar with for example if you’ve never driven a car before buying the next new car that you can’t afford is no problem. But everything that we are familiar with we can be tempted by it is in these areas where we will have to fight the good fight of our faith. Evil is always in conflict with godliness and we must not forget this. Those of us who heard the calling and have answered have an eternal life in the presence of many witnesses too numerous to number.
We all should want to take a note out of Timothy’s playbook and be able to say as he did “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race.” We all should desire that what we did for the kingdom was noble and worthy against the errors that so many people are willing to accept because they don’t read and or know the Word for themselves. So, if reading and knowing the Word is exempt it stands to reason that being in a relationship with the FATHER through CHRIST JESUS is null and void.
Exodus 14:14, Nehemiah 4:20, Ex. 14:25, 1 Timothy 6:12, 2 Timothy 4:7