Character: Part 5

John 17

What a great read this is. When reading, reflect on each verse.

Write down your character as it is right now; be real with how you operate in the everyday normality of your life. You can fully accomplish this task by asking family members that you trust to be honest with you. Ask your neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances and friends. This is the road in which we can get a picture of the true you as you reveal yourself to them. Often, we can’t see ourselves as we really are towards people and circumstances. It’s gonna hurt but its okay. You’ll survive.

     Then you will be ready to write down the character traits shown by JESUS in this prayer to HIS FATHER GOD. Once this is completed ask yourself where is it that you need help in your spiritual growth. We all desire to be transformed by the renewal of our minds which is in CHRIST JESUS. However, we can’t get there without a map. I believe that this is just one of the great maps given to us to follow.

     Here is an example: JESUS asked HIS DAD to glorify HIM that HE may glorify HIS DAD. Are you glorified in CHRIST JESUS? Does your character reflect glory towards CHRIST JESUS by what you say and do in your motives?

     Always remember it’s a process. We must desire to change first then within the Holy Spirit we can change.



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