
Giving; it’s a wonderful thing to do at all times. When we give; we are not expecting anything in return. Giving comes freely from the heart.

GOD spoke a great deal about giving. GOD is a giver and HE expects us to be just as HE is. Giving can sometimes leave a bad taste in our mouths because we believe that we must always go out and buy something to give to someone.

I say; let’s put on the brakes and back the train up a few years. Remember when we were kids; how we made or did something nice to bring a smile into someone’s day? It was no pressure. We would think; what will he/she want and we would either make it or do it. Then we got older and we began to buy things and give them to others. Only to complain later about how much it cost; all you got from them was this thing or you got nothing. Our attitudes were changed and corrupted somewhere. We need to get back to the basics when things were nice and easy.

Give of yourself:

  • What does someone you know have need of that you can assist with?
  • Who can you give a helping hand to?
  • What can you give away?

After all GOD loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7-11

If you think that you have nothing to give. Give of yourself. Feed the hungry; help those who are in trouble. Your light will shine out from the darkness, the darkness around you will be as bright as day. Isaiah 58:10

If you give even a cup of water to a follower of JESUS, you will be rewarded. Matthew 10:42

This is not about giving 10% of your gross income from all that you earn full time or part time or as a financial gift. However, you would like to give financially. 

Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38

Sacrifice daily to those who are in need; believe me it’s worth it.

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