GOD is faithful

GOD is faithful

Numbers 23:19 

The Prophet Balaam best known for his conversation with the donkey; was careful to obey the letter of GOD’s warning to speak nothing but blessings upon Israel even though it seemed to him that he would do better to curse them.

Whatever GOD said about HIS people is true. All HIS promises are solid. GOD will never leave you or forsake you. GOD will give eternal life to anyone who believes in HIS SON as the payment for sin. HE will give you peace that the world cannot give or able to take your peace away.

GOD doesn’t change HIS mind about HIS promises like people too often do. When the Bible states that GOD will be with HIS children even through the valley of the shadow of death; you don’t have to worry about whether HE will be busy on the day you die. HE isn’t sorry that HE promised to answer your prayers. HE will never look at your confessed sins and wonder why HE ever promised to forgive them. GOD is not just faithful because HE tells things truthfully. HE is faithful in doing what HE said. HE does the things HE promises to HIS people. GOD promises HIS blessings on the merciful person and on the peacemaker.

HE promises a new mind to HIS children who refuse to be like those around them. It seems like fun at first to listen to songs about sex; tell dirty jokes; hate kids for being different and bad mouth your parents. GOD is faithful; and HIS faithfulness does not depend on yours. HE is faithful even when you are often faithless. Be faithful in hiding HIS Word in your heart. And notice GOD’s faithfulness all around you.  

Numbers 22:28-30

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