

Depression and oppression, I know them all too well. I lived with that spirit within me for forty years and it was hell. As a born again believer in CHRIST JESUS, we cannot enjoy the Word of GOD when that spirit lives on the inside of us. We know something is wrong and we just can’t wrap our minds around why we cannot enjoy what others claim to be having from the Word. But there is deliverance and when I was set free from that demonic spirit so many years ago I have been able to proclaim with liberty just who JESUS is and what HE has done in my life. Depression and oppression do not allow its victim to speak about their feelings, the victims will not complain or defend themselves they will just be brutalized emotionally and mentally. So when JESUS said nothing while HE was being oppressed by HIS accusers, HE was taking on oppression for us as well as depression to defeat the hellish spirit. HE said nothing as we do, HE did not complain and HE did not defend HIMSELF. But people we are not JESUS so we must open our mouth and call on HIM for help because HE has already defeated depression and oppression and we can be delivered and set free.

The person that has been oppressed by a person temporarily feels or has gone through a burden or a grief. But then there is that spirit that takes over who has moved in and who comes with it is depression. Oppression by itself has the characteristic of overpowering us with burdens and griefs to perform unreasonable tasks. Then depression with its characteristics along with its partner joins in and press down, its job is to make sure you know that you are nothing, to make sure that your emotions are always in a state of dejection, sad, that your strength is sapped, within your mind depression is constantly pressing down negative and evil thoughts. When we are overcome with such a tremendous load our bodies become overwhelmed with pain. It’s due to the affliction we are repeatedly under because our body and mind are suffering grief and distress. JESUS went through all of that too just for us so that we don’t have too. The thing is we need to realize that HE did so that we can be delivered and healed from depression and oppression. Most people don’t realize that Isaiah 53:7 begins with this fact.

That spirit of depression and oppression is from hell and everything from hell, everything that has an attachment with satan is sinful and we are not to want it. We are to hate it in every way. JESUS took sin away. Sin is for the sinner, meaning there are those who by choice want to continue living the way they do and I say have at it. But as for me and my CHRISTian family all over the world, we are not going to be afflicted by anything sinful, we are to be delivered and set free and made whole from everything that is attached from hell and satan. The LAMB of GOD has already taken away sin and we have already believed that so there.

Ah, what I love is the fact of knowing that my heavenly FATHER GOD does not have grandchildren. All of HIS children are first generation kids none of us can come to HIM on the basis of knowing someone who knows JESUS and JESUS knowing them. None of us can come to GOD by being good, having good intentions and doing good works. We all must come to GOD one way and one way only and that is through a personal redemption of our own with JESUS. We need to kill religion and tradition because they are spiritually unproductive. When we make a purchase we get a receipt and that receipt is proof that we redeemed our product, this is commerce law. In true life the precious blood of CHRIS JESUS purchased humankind, HE was our sacrificial LAMB who went to the slaughter on our behalf taking on our rightful punishment that we deserve for our sins. JESUS is untainted by sin, yet HIS precious blood is priceless. HIS blood on GOD’s children is proof of purchase showing satan which one’s are redeemed and to keep his claws off.

If you are my siblings in CHRIST JESUS and you are under the attack of depression and oppression I speak deliverance and healing and the blood of JESUS on your life this very minute. However, I want you to stop whatever it is you are doing because today is the day you need to make up in your mind that you are going to be set free from the torment of that spirit living on the inside of you because the Holy Spirit and a demonic spirit cannot reside in the same vessel at the same time. Truth! Kneel, sit or stand whatever makes you more comfortable and you begin to push in ask DADDY in JESUS name to deliver you today, tell HIM that you have become aware that JESUS took on depression and oppression so that you don’t have to and that you want to be set free. Tell DADDY that you have been told that your other siblings in CHRIST JESUS were as you are and they have been set free, use my name if you want to (Elder Shawn Briscoe) she was set free, I want to be set free too. Set me free FATHER in JESUS name, I forgive everyone who hurt me from the womb, my ancestors and if the names of people come up name them. Tell the LORD GOD that when HE removes that nasty spirit of depression and oppression from you that you desire to have the Holy Spirit and you want to walk in Galatians 5: 22-23 speak them out and that you also want to speak in tongues so that your spirit can communicate with HIM. Don’t you let up until you know that you are free and believe you me, you will know. You are going to begin to tell people your testimony and want to see others set free, you are going to realize like never before the power of the blood of LAMB of JESUS.

Siblings of mine I get excited about you because though I don’t know you all here on earth, one day we all we meet each other in our real home and dine together at the wedding feast of the LAMB. We are truly blessed.

Isaiah 53:7, John 1:29, 1 Peter 1:19, Revelation 12:11, 19:9





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