Justification by faith

Galatians 2 I wrote to you before sharing that there are some who have and will come in, to distort the gospel. Now let me share with you why it’s…

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Being born is pleasing to GOD

Galatians 1 Here is a free will gift to every person born. For every person born and living old enough to read this blog with understanding; know that you are…

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It’s not about what was but what is

Philippians 3 Brothers and sisters in the LORD JESUS; rejoice in union with CHRIST JESUS! Our hearts which were once transformed into iron and steel from anger, hurt and sin has…

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Justice 23:1

You shall not circulate a false report. Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. We all want justice but we all don’t provide justice…

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A page from my journal

It’s encouraging to know that I'm forgiven of my sins; that I know my LORD JESUS; that I'm an overcomer; that I know my Heavenly FATHER GOD; that I'm strong…

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Grace-Ezra 9:8 AMP

And now, for a brief moment, grace has been shown us by the LORD our GOD, Who has left us a remnant to escape and has given us a secure…

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