

The picture associated with this blog is the closest that I was able to locate for any person who has been self-inflicted or inflicted by another for whatever reason by whip. I need you the reader to understand that the flesh of JESUS was not just striped or artsy as we are led to believe but literally wounded, crushed, split open for you and me individually. HIS back after being hit with the whip forty (40) times that had hooks, metal balls and teeth attached to leather straps tore HIS flesh from HIS body. This person above in the picture may have only been abused by a leather whip.


There is not one human born of mankind who has not violated the will of the Living GOD. This is the reason why JESUS subjected HIMSELF on our behalf to suffer in HIS flesh injury, involving division of tissue, rupture of the skin and of the mucous membrane, due to external violence. HIS flesh was literally crushed for our sin. JESUS endured severe criticism and corporal punishment just so that we may obtain HIS peace. And it is by this very same wound that is described that we are healed.

JESUS had to do this for the world in order to fulfill the prophecy said by the prophet Isaiah, “HE, HIMSELF (JESUS) took our physical weakness and sickness. But we all too often take them back. In other words JESUS put on sickness, so why are we trying to wear them?

JESUS shed HIS blood for the world and with HIS blood a brand new agreement, contract and law was written that has been sealed by HIS blood. It’s only the blood of JESUS that will clean sin from our blood and sin from our heart. This agreement certifies all believers in JESUS that all of our sins have been forgiven.

As sinners, non-believers of CHRIST JESUS and dull of faith deserve to be delivered up for their offenses. JESUS stepped in for the entire world and all HE ask is that we accept, believe and trust in HIM all this requires faith. We have faith to do anything else, why not faith for this? JESUS has been delivered and punished because of the offenses of the entire world. However, JESUS has also been raised because of our justification. This is an example of the saving grace that we have in HIM. The moment that we trust and confess JESUS with our mouth from our heart we will be raised in justification.

Now the death that JESUS died, HE died the once for the entire world. Don’t look for HIM to repeat HIMSELF because it will never again happen. It’s a done deal, it’s over. Now is the acceptable time of the LORD and today is the best day anyone will ever have to get it right. JESUS lives to the FATHER and so do those who believe on CHRIST JESUS.

This I agree with Apostle Paul, if CHRIST JESUS is not alive and did not rise from the dead then our faith is incapable of producing any results and everyone who is anyone is still within their sins!

Dear reader, please get this; JESUS, HIMSELF no other person can do or could do what JESUS has done and that was to literally wear the sins of the world on HIS own body, HIS flesh while HE was nailed to that cross. In this we die to sins! In the resurrection of JESUS we live to righteousness. And in HIM by HIS wound we were healed.

JESUS was made a show of to carry the load of sins for the entire world. As for me and many other of my brothers and sisters in the faith of CHRIST JESUS we are eagerly waiting for JESUS to return for HIS church/glorious bride.

Isaiah 53:5, Mt. 8:17, 26:28, Ro. 4:25, 6:10, 1 Cor. 15:17, 1Peter 2:24, Heb. 9:28

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