Zephaniah 3:17
When we don’t experience victorious
living in JESUS; we may ask ourselves; why did we ever give our lives to JESUS?
A defeated life is one that is far away from JESUS but a victorious life is one
that is near and growing nearer. JESUS is not a onetime miracle worker with a
free gift; HE desires for us to call on GOD for every little negative in our
lives so that HE will deliver you out of that turmoil and you will gain the
victory in that matter. GOD is there
in the middle; The Mighty One, will save you out of all your trouble.
It is the LORD who saves from sin eternally and who delivers from the power of
sin every day. HE is the Mighty One who can overcome any habit; solve any
problem; heal any broken relationship and make sense of a confused life. GOD is
able to give you victory in CHRISTian living. Few CHRISTians doubt that GOD is
able to do anything but many of us doubt that HE intends to do anything for us
personally. The proof is in the confession; “GOD helps those who help
themselves” how foolish of a statement is that? The only help you need to give
to yourself is to ask GOD for help and guidance then follow through on HIS
direction. But it’s difficult for us to do that when we don’t read our Bible
daily; pray to the FATHER daily; chat with GOD daily; get to know GOD
intimately so that your faith in HIM will grow. We are not realizing that GOD
can do all the things we need of HIM because we don’t know and that’s because
we are not spending time with HIM to find out what HE can do and who HE is to
us and who we are to HIM. GOD’s attitudes towards HIS children even those who
just have fire insurance; meaning those who only know GOD as SAVIOR and ignore
HIM in all HIS other attributes of character. GOD will rejoice over us with gladness; HE will quiet us with HIS
LOVE; HE will rejoice over us with singing. What! GOD sings? GOD is
glad about every step of progress we make toward maturity in JESUS. GOD is not
distant; there is nothing we can do to cause HIM to be displeased with us once
we understand that HE desires us to be totally dependent on HIM.