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As a young mother bringing up my young children in the LORD before they made the decision to believe for themselves in JESUS. I had to believe for my household regarding my husband and children. Little did I know that when I purposed in my heart and said with conviction that my entire house will be saved, that this meant my kin-line.

Decades down the line I have come to find out that cousins that I had no interactions with on a regular basis have decided to believe and trust in CHRIST JESUS for themselves. This really excited me because my father’s bloodline all have a strong Catholic base and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

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Because just as with any denomination you have some that will teach about JESUS and HIM crucified and others that will wash over JESUS and the importance of needing HIM only in our lives.

As for me, I don’t know how or where my cousins learned the truth about JESUS and I truly don’t care, I’m just excited to know that they did as I know that they are elated for me as well. Another thing that illuminated in my heart is that when I prayed with the conviction that “As for me and my house we will serve the LORD JESUS CHRIST and that everyone in my household will believe and be saved.” I had no idea that I was praying for my entire clan. And I believe that this prayer is still active and in operation.


The importance here is to trust JESUS for our household be it near or far. Believe JESUS for our kinfolk be they near or far. They are members of our household and I’ve come to believe that though with some whose family are so very removed far GOD that they don’t have a testimony about saying anyone prayed for them. I want you to know that your ancestors did pray for you. I’m inclined to believe that their prayers may have been something like mine and this is why some of us have made it into the kingdom of GOD.

Beloved, we may not see with our eyes our loved ones come to JESUS but we must believe until our last breath. Believe, because GOD is faithful and even if some are lost know that your entire household has not been destroyed because of the prayers of the righteous. Those of the past, yours and those to come.

Acts 16:31


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