Psalm 119:105
This world that we live in is cold and dark because it’s filled with so much sin. We know no other way to live but by our senses; what tantalizes us even when it’s wrong and we realize that what we are doing is for our own pleasure. GOD has a very different way for us to live in this sinful world without being contaminated any longer by the dark. HE called JESUS the light of the world; John 1:4, 7 & 9. When we choose to walk in GOD’s illuminating light our footsteps will be ordered by HIS Word; Psalm 119:133. As we walk further into the light which is JESUS we move more out of the darkness and our heart and mind will want to stay in HIS light and live according to obedience. John 1:5 declares that GOD has no darkness within HIM at all; yet because we have been delivered and saved from sin and its dark torments; we must practice walking in the light. Sin is the nature which the flesh enjoys to the fullest but we no longer desire to feed the needs of the flesh and we with the help of the Holy Spirit will allow our spirit to lead our flesh and not the other way round.