Character:Part 13

2 Peter 1:2-6

           Did you know that you were specifically chosen by GOD? Most don’t realize that. Now, that I’ve given you that bit of information. It’s time that you shake yourself loose to anything that will hinder you from GODs peaceful life for you.

          Understand that you are consecrated by the Spirit to be obedient to JESUS. You have been sprinkled with HIS Blood. Grace and Peace has been given to you and it has to be increased by your faith. Spiritual peace is through JESUS, realize this. Spiritual peace replaces fears; conflicts; immoral passions; anger and anything else that goes against the character of JESUS.

          We have hope in the resurrection of JESUS and all the promises given to us by JESUS. Our inheritance from HIM is yours because you belong to HIM. Our inheritance from JESUS is obtainable on earth and in heaven. Our inheritance in heaven however will never go out of style and it is indestructible. Our inheritance is being guarded in heaven by GODs power which is activated by your faith.

          You must be excited about this knowledge. Yes, we will go through trials on this earth, however, remind yourself that you are not from this world, you are from heaven above and what goes on here towards you is temporary. Trials are test to show you how you must grow or must’ve grown in your faith. Temptations are not from GOD and you will never be tempted by GOD. You cannot be tempted to do anything that you are not familiar with. When temptations come your way in your mind, speak GODs Word, don’t think GODs Word. Notice how quickly those tempting thoughts leave you. When temptations come your way in your sight, go the other way, leave. When temptation comes your way in your hearing, speak the Word of GOD or listen to inspirational music, do what you must to get away from listening to negative, tempting speech.

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