GOD hates evil – not you

Proverbs 6:16-19

What / who makes a person evil?

How much potential does a person have for becoming a hardened sinner?

Do you really know your own true heart?

After all; we are all born sinners- John 9:34. Most of us are not extremely wicked at one given time and then there are some that are. I hope that percentage is very low. The actions we take; the thoughts we have and the words we speak reveal our true hearts. King Solomon painted a perfect picture of true evil in the above proverb. GOD hates sin not you. Notice I wrote what GOD hates not who GOD hates. GOD LOVES people greatly but there are still so many who don’t realize this. There are still members in the body of CHRIST who forget how much GOD truly LOVES them. GOD knew that when HE sent HIS SON; JESUS to die on the cross for us and all of our sins were laid on HIM that even after we accepted JESUS we were going to make mistakes. It’s easier to live a sinful life because it’s in our nature according to John. 3:19 then it is to live a life without sin. But we have the ability; we are born with GOD’s seed and we have HIS DNA inside of us. JESUS sent HIS Holy Spirit to teach us how to think; talk and move. We no longer need to flow with all that the enemy will like for us to do. After all; didn’t you know that it is he that orchestrates us to sin? Each of us has the potential to be dark with wickedness inwardly and outwardly but as I stated before most people refuse for certain reason. Because of Adam we are born into sin and will experience most of the following works of our flesh according to Galatians 5:19-21 adultery; fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath (another name for yelling), selfish ambitions, dissensions (another name for arguments), heresies (persistent rejection of the bible; JESUS), envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries (another name for loud parties/go go’s/clubs). However, because of JESUS we are re-born. The great news is  because we have accepted JESUS to save us from sin; we now belong to GOD and when we have HIS Holy Spirit living in us we are filled with the fruit of the spirit which has 9 attributes for us to reflect and for people to recognize. Galatians 5:22-23; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. If you study each of these you will find that each attribute is an antidote for the works of our flesh. That’s right it’s a total opposite and the attributes of the flesh is replaced with the attributes of the fruit of the spirit. Now let’s ask ourselves the following.  

What / who makes a person righteous?

How much potential does a person have for becoming a loving and forgiving individual?

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