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Our hand/s are incredible because of what we can do with them. And because of what we hold in them. The seen and the unseen. We need to see the power that we have in our hands in performance, not in the case of the use of violence. But in how the Heavenly FATHER created our hands to be used in skill for making and producing. We must also see ourselves in the hands of the Heavenly FATHER. So come along with me on the adventure of getting to know the hands.

We are to place our trust in the hands of the Heavenly FATHER because HE is our LORD GOD and Creator. The span of our life should be entrusted to HIM to do with as HE sees fit and not as we believe is right. When we followed our own passions trusting our own self we kept our life in our own hand and look where it got us. Emotionally, mentally physically and spiritually depleted.

I’ve not reached that level of relationship that our brother Stephen had that I can gaze into heaven and see JESUS standing at the right hand of the Heavenly FATHER. I hope to one day. But if not I know that it will not take away from the fact that I will someday see CHRIST JESUS. Stephen got to see what the Israelites witnessed with Moses and that was with Moses JESUS appeared as a consuming Fire. HIS glory and brilliance rested on top of Mount Sinai.

People wear the cross as jewelry or tattoo yet do not know the significance of the cross. People wear the crucifix as jewelry or tattoo and again do not know the significance of that either. Having the name God tattooed on your body means absolutely nothing when HE is not tattooed in your heart. I spoke this to a young man in the month of May of this year and invited him to know JESUS for himself to have a personal relationship with him. And he declined. A few weeks later that same young man with an elderly woman who for thirty-five years I watched read her Bible and view religious programs both degraded me and my relationship with JESUS. This month that same young man died and I never spoke a curse against him or the other person. By putting his hands with the use of his mouth on GOD’s anointed his life met its mortal end. People are always looking for signs whether or not JESUS is real or still alive. Thomas did not believe that JESUS is alive based on the witness of what the other disciples told him. He needed to see for himself and people who need to see to believe are not faith people but proof people, skeptics. JESUS told Thomas because he saw he believes but those who will believe because they don’t see will be blessed. So don’t be one of those that have a need to see and touch before you believe. Trust me and if not me trust the Word, JESUS took nails to HIS hands and feet for us and HIS scars are large enough that we can see them. When JESUS rose from the grave HE did not rise as a spirit and neither will we but we will have flesh and bones just as HE does.

My son-in-law is always saying to me that he wishes that he was more like me emotionally. And I share with him that I was not always as he sees me. I by natural nature am head strong, self-reliant, judgmental, emotional and impatient. JESUS delivered me and because I surrendered to HIM by holding my hands up and keeping them up continually I remain in a surrendered state. You know that look when an assailant robs us and tells us to hold our hands up, with our hands up we are vulnerable we have surrendered. Because I’m in a surrendered state to the Heavenly FATHER through CHRIST JESUS I don’t have time to concentrate on becoming angry or to self-think about me or what others are thinking of me. My self-esteem has been set free in CHRIST JESUS because my hands are lifted up in surrender to the Heavenly FATHER in CHRIST JESUS, HE has my emotions in check. And my prayers are effectual. All the gifts that were given to me by my Heavenly FATHER, I’m certain I’ve not begun to tap into them as yet. However, those that have been ignited within me through the encouragement of what has been affirmed through speech and laying hands on me is a good work and I have in turn done so as well.

Our hands are extraordinary and we must begin to utilize our hands for a great purpose and place our trust in the hands of our Heavenly FATHER.   

Psalms 31:15, Acts 7:55, Luke 24:39, John 20:25, 1 Timothy 2:8, 4:14


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