When JESUS prayed; things happened. What happens when you pray?
Let me first make something clear to the unbeliever and to the believer when it comes to prayer. There is a principle that must be adhered to and that is to trust in the Word of GOD.
If you don’t trust in what you are saying to GOD then why are you saying it? If you are not committed to what you are saying to GOD why are you wasting your time? And lastly; if you are prone to doubting in what you say or in the ability that GOD hears or will answer; why pray at all?
The very first thing I have heard for years has been; “I don’t know how to pray.” My response has been the same to every person that has come to me with that same excuse; “Do you know how to speak?” Stop thinking of praying as anything other than speaking to someone who you can’t see with your natural eyes. If you can speak to your pets, inanimate objects, to your projects (employment or school) and if you can speak to yourself; then you can speak to GOD The FATHER.
Now let me show you some examples of what you must do for a successful prayer life by following the life of JESUS.
- JESUS spent time alone with HIS FATHER; Matthew 26:36
Find scriptures where JESUS spent time alone just praying.
- When JESUS prayed, heaven opened up; Luke 3:21
When we pray in faith heaven will open up for us; not in a literal sense as it did here with JESUS but it’s a guarantee that when you pray that your prayers will not just hit the ceiling and fall down to the floor and die.
- We must pray to The FATHER in the name of JESUS; John 14:12
JESUS, went directly to HIS DAD with all of HIS cares, desires, needs, request and wants. At the time of HIS ministry HE did not need to invoke HIS name. However, because HIS time was coming near for HIM to complete HIS ministry here on earth for this sinful world; HE told us that to gain GOD’s attention we must go through HIM; John 14:6. So if you want GOD to hear your prayer; you better use HIS beautiful beloved SON’s name; JESUS.
- JESUS prayed for HIMself; John 17:1
JESUS prayed for HIMself; so why not pray for you as well? GOD cares for us; just remember that regardless of why you are praying for yourself;
- Make sure that it brings GOD your FATHER glory.
- Realize that GOD your FATHER; has given you authority over your flesh.
- JESUS prayed for HIS disciples; John 17:6
It’s always wonderful to care and think of others. We should pray for those we know and don’t know. Those we know; we should make sure that we are doing all we can to reveal the glory and name of GOD to this lost world. And to those that we do know be thankful and that you continue to reveal the glory and name of GOD to them. And most importantly that those that you reveal GOD’s glory and name to will continue in HIS Word. We do this by being an encourager and not judgmental or a bible thumper.
- JESUS prayed for all believers; John 17:20
Every believer everywhere should be in prayer for one another. We don’t have to know who or where they are. Believers in CHRIST JESUS are faced with some very difficult oppositions. Beginning with family and then it outreach to community be it playground, school, work and even in the last place you would expect the ministry building (church). There are some believers who are being persecuted in various international countries and now in the United States of America; believers are being persecuted for the name of JESUS.
So dear ones I stress to you to begin and then remain in prayer; be fervent and in the spirit of love. Ask GOD The FATHER for the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation knowledge of HIM; Eph. 1:17. Prayer leads to deliverance and causes one to give thanks. And if you desire to grow into maturity in the nature and will of GOD The FATHER through JESUS The CHRIST; then I encourage you to pray so that you can stand in the fullness of assurance in everything GOD The FATHER wills.