The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my GOD, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Let’s take a look here for a moment as to why King David would refer and describe the LORD GOD in the following manner. It will help us to see back in King David’s time how this was relatable and how we can relate today in our time frame.
Rock / In King David’s time he would have most likely been referring to a hiding place; such as a cleft in a mountain. Today we can literally know the LORD GOD as our stability; a firm foundation; a means of support. And yet, we can still recognize HIM as our hiding place in times of trouble. When the enemy encamps all around us; the LORD GOD will hide us and fight our battles.
Fortress / We must agree and join King David in the recognition that the LORD GOD is definitely an exceptional place of security. Nothing and no one can get in that does not belong. Our Loving GOD cannot be tricked; HE is always on alert to protect HIS very own.
Deliverer / King David knew firsthand about being delivered from tight spots. But so do we; if anyone knows what it’s like to live a life filled with anger, bitterness, conceit, depression, evil, fornication, greed, hate, idol worship, murder, oppression, pride, shame, theft, vandalism, worry and so many other things too numerous to name. Then you understand what it’s like to have been set free, liberated from that life and now you live a life free in CHRIST JESUS.
My GOD / King David is King but the LORD GOD is the KING of Kings and King David did not take this monarchy lightly. King David understood the respect that he received from his subjects but he also knew that his GOD is actually the one who is deserving of being KING more so than he. King David kept his GOD/KING ever before him and it is HE alone that he worshipped.
Strength / King David did not have a Bible to read and to rely on to gain knowledge of who this GOD of Israel is. He had his faith in what had been handed down to him through stories that he heard. King David was a shepherd and he spent all of his time out in the fields tending to some dumb sheep. But he did not just hang out with the sheep; it is here where he would speak with the LORD GOD and play music to the LORD GOD on his harp. It is here where he got to know the Living GOD intimately and he grew stronger in the nature of GOD because he spent all his time in the company of the GOD of Israel. Where we are weak; the LORD GOD will strengthen us. We find strength in HIS Word; in our application of HIS Word; in our faith in HIS Word. And most of all we find strength in our fellowship and relationship with the LORD GOD.
Shield / King David knew that his GOD was his protector; his defender. As our barrier the Living GOD conceals us from all harm.
Horn of my salvation / King David said so much here. When he called the LORD GOD the horn of his salvation; what he was saying is that he recognized that JESUS the SON; would come to deliver and save HIS people from the hand of the enemy. King David was acknowledging that JESUS is not in anyway weak but is strong. The horn is a representation of complete dominion, fierceness, glory, power, strength and victory, which is used as a means of attack and defense.
Tower / King David saw the LORD GOD as a place of defense and a place to retreat. When we are in danger; we must realize that our Living GOD is where we can go and be defended from the dangers; also when we need rest, we can go to HIM and just chill.