



In the tapestry of the Old Covenant/ Testament, the old promises, it is asked that we seek the LORD. And when we sought HIM and found HIM, there would be whatever wonderful blessings and conditions that were attached. This is only a backdrop of information.

Today we don’t have to seek the LORD but our heart is seeking HIM and we don’t know it. We are trying to fill our heart with everything but what it needs. The soul is in search of a home, just as we see the homeless out on the streets, every soul is homeless without CHRIST JESUS. And this is the yearning we feel and don’t understand, but we try to fill that yearning with relationships, drugs, alcohol, work, travel, money or whatever gives us that temporary high.

Eventually, people get sick and tired of being sick and tired. They will realize that they have gone as far as they can go to the right, to the left, backward, forward, and now they are as low as they can go in the pit without being dead and ushered into the pit of hell, literally. So what’s left for them to do but to look up where they can begin to seek the FATHER? Ask for help, confess that you are jacked up and that you need JESUS because you can’t do this thing called life on your own.

There are many gods with many names that many people follow and worship but there is only One True Living GOD and HE is the One that people will turn to when they are desperate. HE is the One our soul is thirsty for. HE is the One that our flesh longs for in this dark, dry, lonely, cruel, evil world.

We have to listen earnestly to HIS voice and come to JESUS. HEAR HIM and your soul will be saved. HIS covenant has already been established, HIS promises are sure and everlasting. We don’t have to wait to receive a thing from the FATHER we can get them now in JESUS. Because we have the sure mercies that are better than David’s.

Why are our mercies better than David’s? Because pre-crucifixion of JESUS we had to seek the LORD and live by faith.

Now post-crucifixion of JESUS, JESUS HIMself comes seeking the lost to save them. Glory Hallelujah!! JESUS found me when I was seventeen years of age back in the 1970’s and I’m so ecstatic that HE did. I’m so glad that I heard HIS voice and I answered HIM. I’m so glad that the Holy Spirit has taught me and is continuing to teach me nothing but JESUS. It’s not always been easy, but going through training never is. Being stripped of who you are to become CHRIST like is lifelong. But the more mature you are in JESUS the more of HIS character, integrity and nature you have of HIM. You realize it’s not about you.  


Deuteronomy 4:29; 2 Chr. 15:4; Psalm 63:1; Amos 5:4; Is. 55:3; Lk. 19:10


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