Worshiping GOD


John 4:24


There is absolutely NO place on earth that you can’t be or go where you cannot worship GOD. It’s an impossible conception to believe that you are not allowed to worship GOD anywhere. The truth of the matter is that no one knows the heart as GOD does. If you are in a place where open worship is not acceptable; who said that you can’t worship HIM in your thoughts? Once your heart, mind and soul has been sold out to GOD no one will be able to stop you from thinking of all the goodness that HE has done for you and what you are looking forward to as you mature in this earthly life. So go on; be thankful to GOD and worship HIM freely in your thoughts, moving your lips without making audible sound or just worship HIM aloud. Worship HIM in dance, song, poetry but best of all. Worship HIM in obedience.


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