
Some Christians including myself sometimes lose courage for various reasons. There are many Christians that sit on the sidelines thinking or feeling that they are not commissioned to spread the Word of GOD. This is not so….1Ptr.4:10-11. You know that you are saved, share your testimony as to how JESUS found you, because it was you that was lost and needed finding not JESUS. You don’t need to have a pulpit to share JESUS with anyone; this is a conversation that can be spoken about regarding every subject. For me I grow lack in courage when I am tired or not doing well in my body, which means the last thing I want to do is speak about is JESUS.

When we all feel a wee bit discouraged I have some VitaScriptures that I would like to share with you that will encourage you so you may encourage others.
Isaiah 41:10 & 43:5; Jeremiah 1:8 and Acts 18:10
Rx: Take as many as you like per day or as often as needed. Feel discouraged/feel selfish/feel like you want to be left alone/etc…Take a VitaScripture.

 1 Timothy 6:2Being an Evangelist especially one that travels. I rarely know of the effect that GOD has caused on a person through using me. When I was still employed several years ago I had questioned a co-worker of mine about some music that he was listening to. On July 13, 2009 I spoke with that person for the first time since my retirement in 2001. He refreshed my memory about the effect of his listening choices from that day on. In the manner in which he explained it.

I overheard him singing and asked him what he was singing (probably because I couldn’t understand what he was saying, not gifted to sing…LOL). He replied that he was listening to Black Sabbath. Now I had not heard any songs from Black Sabbath in many years (1970’s) but I vaguely remembered that the music was popular because hippies was dropping acid and doing all kinds of drugs.

After listening I took the head-phones off and asked do you actually know what is being said, he replied…no. I informed him that this song was being sung about and too satan. He began to listen again off and on for about an hour. He said that for the first time he actually did hear the words very clearly just as if the group was speaking the words to him. When I asked him the day that we spoke was he listening to that music any more or anything like it. He said NO. The songs that where in his music library over the years is being deleted of songs that glorify satan. Because now he actually has his ears tuned to the words and not just the music. Music in and of itself is great but there are times when songs that we like a great deal will have to be instrumental because of the lyrics.

This really encouraged me, because GOD used me to plant a seed that would direct him to another who will water the seed and he will one day accept JESUS for himself. GOD, I thank YOU for using me, please continue.

Now though I know that the scripture that I used had nothing to do with why I was encouraged, I just wanted to share that with you.

As Born Again Christians who work it is our duty to work as though we are working for JESUS, HIMSELF. It bothers me that when we have a BAC Manager, as non-management we think that we should not give him/her the respect they deserve with the authority that he/she has over us. We are not given a free pass to shirk our responsibilities. What we should do is work the more so that others will see that BAC have an attitude of respect and perseverance where we will be known for getting any job set before us done without complaint. It also bothers me that when we don’t have a BAC Manager, we think that we should not respect him/her because we think we are above them. We are not. We should by our actions do all to draw the non-believing Manager towards us because of our diligence. It will be our example of character that will cause a dialogue of why we are the way we are.

Christians were not to suppose that religious knowledge, or Christian privileges, gave them any right to despise heathen masters, or to disobey lawful commands, or to expose their faults to others. And such as enjoyed the privilege of living with believing masters, were not to withhold due respect and reverence, because they were equal in respect to religious privileges, but were to serve with double diligence and cheerfulness, because of their faith in Christ, and as partakers of
his free salvation.

Come on my brothers & sisters, let’s win some souls today.

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