


GOD blesses HIS people when HE bestows on them temporal (which is earthly) or spiritual (which is eternal) gifts. We bless GOD when we thank HIM for HIS mercies. A man blesses himself/herself when he/she invokes GOD’s blessing or rejoices in GOD’s goodness to him/herself. One blesses another when he/she expresses prayer to GOD for his/her welfare.

You may also tell someone GOD Bless you; however, this should not be done as if it’s just a casual hi or bye. You must have very pure motives for the welfare of another and you must believe that only GOD can and will bless that person.

 We all should want to experience GOD’s blessing in and on our lives. We all should want others to experience GOD’s blessing in and on their lives as well. Never keep anything that is good to yourself. GOD is the very best that can be shared with everyone.

 Blessed are those who trust in The LORD and have made The LORD their hope and confidence. Jeremiah 17:7

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