GOD has a wonderful nature-Part 17

mygodis-patient-rectangle-1200x800GOD is patient. GOD endures the evil that HE knows is in the world because satan is in the world. HE does so without murmuring/ complaining because HE already knows that satan is defeated and that HIS sons are no longer suffering under the submission of the evil one as we once did. HIS sons know how to endure the pains we go through in our bodies and mind with fortitude. JESUS is our example setter and just as HE did not speak a word against those who came against HIM neither will we. We are learning to now allow our emotions to be so easily provoked by anyone or anything. We are learning to not rush into anything but to wait, listening for the voice of wisdom to inform us if what we think is a good idea to be involved in.

Psalms 103:8 The LORD GOD is always abounding in compassion, plenteous in mercy, and rich in patience. HIS grace is full of lovingkindness and forgiveness.

James 5:11 We experience the blessings of GOD in HIS being patient towards us in how we endure, do not give up when it seems that all hope is lost. Hope in CHRIST JESUS, remain focused because we are not alone because the promise is that GOD will never leave us nor will HE forget about us. The purposes of GOD is to richly bless HIS sons in HIS compassion, tenderness, and mercy.

2 Peter 3:9 GOD is not late with HIS promises for us, as a matter of fact, those of us who rely on CHRIST JESUS do experience and enjoy the promises that we have.  GOD is a patient GOD waiting for those who do not believe in HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS to change their minds about HIM and enjoy the promises that HE has for us.

Romans 13:11 Lost souls, I urge you to take off your garment of sin and put on the garment of CHRIST JESUS. It is critical that you awaken out of your sleep because your deliverance and salvation are closer than it was before.

Hebrews 10:37 Understand this promises, CHRIST JESUS is coming back because the day which is appointed for HIS return will not find HIM late in HIS arrival. And in our being caught up into the sky with HIM we will witness why HE was so very patient because people that we knew would not make it into heaven will be there along with us. But understand everyone will not live with CHRIST JESUS in heaven because of their disbelief in HIM.

Romans 2:4 There are those who despise the wealth of GOD’s patience, bless GOD that we are not counted among them. But our hearts should burn with the desire to invite them to change their minds and live in CHRIST JESUS.

This blog will continue from day to day for several days. So, look with great expectation so that you may get to know just who GOD is and HIS wonderful character and integrity.


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