
Sammy Spider Exodus Pillars SmallWhat do you hold as precious or who do you know without any doubt hold you as such? What do you believe is worth keeping be it person or thing and do you know of anyone that sees you as worth being kept? Is anything or anyone worth trying to the effort of being made to last? How can we verify what is to be guarded and what is not? Who will give us the confirmation that we need to know just what is worth guarding? We never think of ourselves being guarded because we never believe we are valuable enough. Businesses, potentates, and gems are what we are accustomed to seeing guarded. But things that do have guards on them are in error, let us take a look at a guard from a biblical standpoint.


image (2)Children of the Most High GOD, we are redeemed, we have been purchased with the most precious blood of JESUS, we have been washed cleaned from sin and we have nothing to be ashamed of and we are guilt free. We have no need to look back but straight ahead, we are no longer in bondage as the slaves of sin are and no one can put us there unless we allow them to. We are the righteousness of GOD through CHRIST JESUS. JESUS suffered and died for us and HE rose before us as well as ascended into heaven before us. JESUS fights our battles for us HE goes before us clearing the way for us and HE stands with us while we are there. We are never alone because HE told us that HE would never leave us. JESUS surrounds us the enemy cannot attack us from the rear because there JESUS is. JESUS opens every gate that we have a need to go through and HE is the ONE who leads us out and HE is the last ONE behind. JESUS will lead for a moment and then HE will fall behind and follow. This is what our GUARD does HE protects the one HE finds to be precious, worth holding onto, those HE desire to keep and preserve and HIS relationship with us is everlasting.

JESUS gave us a great example of how to guard what we hold dear to our heart. JESUS holds the righteous dear to HIS heart. And we should do the very same to one another as well as to HIS Holy Word but some of us mix fables and truth together and a grain of a lie mixed with truth makes the entire truth a lie. We can’t accept man made doctrine over GOD’s New Covenant doctrine. And we must guard the truth at all cost no matter what the cost and it will cost us, the loss of family and friends. I love the Apostle Paul because he was free in CHRIST JESUS most people today are not and I find myself in most cases feeling alone in a room full of my beloved Christian siblings because of their doctrinal beliefs that are for the most part law and not freedom in CHRIST JESUS. I take my advice that Paul gave to our brother Timothy and keep myself safe with what has been entrusted to me. I turn away from the ungodly babblings and the argumentative opposition of what is falsely called knowledge. Do I suffer? Yes at times I do. But I know JESUS and better yet JESUS know me well that I’m not ashamed of HIM. I trust HIM and I know that HE is GOD. Just as HE guarded the Israelites HE guards me if not better. So I guard the Good News and the ministry that has been given to me to introduce JESUS to the people. I share my personal faith and testimony without any shame because the Holy Spirit who lives inside of me is the One who has been helping me. For HE alone is my rear Guard.

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Isaiah 52:12, Mic. 2:13, Ex. 14:19, 1 Timothy 6:20, 2 Tim.1:12-14






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