Relationships of any kind require a lot of work from all involved. The rules for relationships change according to the type of relationship.

What I would like to speak about is something that may have disappeared from the life of children. I don’t know; I’ve not witnessed a kid saying this or coming home after being in a bit of a brawl over whose daddy was strongest, biggest or bravest. When I was a child this was the type of things kids would fight about “who has the better parent”?

When I look back in my earliest childhood memories of my dad; I remember him bringing pet turtles of various sizes even those tiny ones that you could close your hand up and hold. I remember running around his legs or swinging from is massive muscular arm. When I got too old to do those things; I used to jump off the steps so he could catch me. I just knew that when I was with my daddy no harm would come to me. He likes kids and has a gift for telling stories that would just pull you in and you believed him. Until you got older and realized that he was telling some whoppers. He kind of remind me of Bill Cosby when it comes to storytelling.

For a blink of an eye I once had a stepfather; he was the total opposite of what I knew a father to be. As I said, it only lasted for a blink of an eye because my mother came to her senses and got rid of him. However, I got to experience two type of fathering; I saw the difference of what the love of a father is and how he will move heaven and earth for his children. I got to see how a man full of hate and selfishness will destroy everything in his path to have his way.

If anyone is reading this that has not had a positive influence from their father or your father is deceased; it is not too late for you to experience the true love relationship that a DAD has for HIS kid.

GOD is a FATHER of the fatherless. Psalm 68:5

People are strange; we have great relationships with our pets and we will speak to them. We will even speak to our cars; PC’s; locks/keys and I’m sure there are other things that people will speak to. Yet we find it difficult to speak to the one person who actually hears everything we say and think; HE knows exactly what is in our hearts; HE understands that you are not disciplined to speak without using profanity. Yet, HE desires a relationship with you. GOD does not care how you come to HIM, just come to HIM. HE wants to be your DADDY so much, HE wants us to experience all the promises that HE made, HE wants us to be taught and to depend solely on HIM. HE wants you to tell HIM jokes, write HIM a letter, read to HIM and speak with HIM. All relationships require some work from all involved. You do your part and GOD will do HIS. When you fall HE will be there to pick you up.

 The Value of a Friend: Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if one fall, one will lift up his companion. But to him who is alone when he falls, he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes. 4:9-12

I love my DADDY so very much because I got to see for myself that HE never gave up on me when I did not know HIM. Many of you are just where I used to be; you don’t have a clue as to who your DADDY is; you’re still dealing with your evil stepfather who is full of hate; lies; murder; fear and selfishness and so much more. Because you don’t understand the true love of a loving father. Let me show you something your DAD did for you.

For when we were still without strength, at the right time in due time CHRIST died for the ungodly. But GOD demonstrates HIS own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by HIS Blood, we shall be saved from wrath through HIM. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to GOD through the death of HIS SON, JESUS much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by HIS life. And not only that, but we also rejoice in GOD through our LORD JESUS CHRIST, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. Ro. 5:8-11

Reconciliation simply means that we are no longer opposed to JESUS or HIS FATHER; we are now friends and all debts have been cancelled.

When we come to GOD through the precious blood of JESUS we realize that all those so called gods that we worshiped which could also include ourselves are counted as nothing. Also when we deny that no good stepfather that lied and manipulated our lives and take our rightful place as a kid of the MOST HIGH GOD we will never accept what the evil stepfather has to offer and we want all who we left behind to come and enjoy the true meaning of family from a DADDY that truly know how to love and take care of HIS kids. HE is a FATHER to all who believe in HIM and HIS SON, JESUS.

One GOD and FATHER of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all. Ep. 4:6

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