


The one and only way any of us will ever be blameless, guiltless, innocent, and without fault is through CHRIST JESUS. We have an example with Apostle Paul, either he was a liar or he had complete and total faith in the fact that he has been made anew through being reborn in CHRIST JESUS and that his entire past is dead and gone. As Saul, he watched over the garments of those who stoned Stephen, persecuted the church, and went into the homes, snatched out and jailed anyone who worshiped CHRIST JESUS. But, as Paul, he said that he had done no wrong. As Paul, no one could prove that he did or said anything as he did and said when he was in his old life of a sinner and a zealot for the Law of Moses. Too many of us are still living as guilty sinners rather than in the righteous of GOD through CHRIST JESUS. So, who is the liar?

When we look in the Word our un-renewed mindset informs us that we are believing the lie rather than the truth of CHRIST JESUS. It’s only because of the grace of GOD that has made it available for us to be blameless. JESUS CHRIST took all of our blame in HIS flesh and died in our place and once we believe what HE did for us on that old rugged cross we will acknowledge that we are being presented before the FATHER acquitted of all charges, blameless, holy, and innocent. As far as the FATHER is concerned we are above contempt, we cannot be charged with our previous crimes of sin because this will be double jeopardy. Disgrace, infamy, and shame, is no longer on us. We are no longer the object of contempt, derision and, scorn in the sight of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. How is this possible? Because, when we have decided to acknowledge and believe in our heart and confess with our mouth the LORD JESUS then we become washed in HIS precious blood and all the promises are ours. We lack nothing and nothing is missing from us, we are totally complete in HIM. We are presented perfectly in CHRIST JESUS. Glory to GOD! We are the glorious church of GOD in and through CHRIST JESUS, we are holy and without any blemishes. Our character and reputation are being daily renewed in CHRIST JESUS and because of this, we do not have any stains against us. This means that we are pure no longer a disgrace, no longer at fault but blameless in CHRIST JESUS.

Instead of being diligent in guilt and shame because of our old thoughts. Be diligent in renewing the mind and speak to yourself who you are in CHRIST JESUS. Because CHRIST JESUS lives on the inside of our heart and we live in HIM we possess HIS peace knowing that we are blameless because we are no longer HIS enemies in sin. Though due to our immaturity, lack of faith, lack of knowledge in the Word, and unbelief though we are blameless in HIS righteousness, we must speak to ourselves while we are doing something that is against HIS pleasure that we are the righteousness of GOD through CHRIST JESUS and we are blameless. Now, does this give us the right to continue in the acts of sin? Nope, but until we know the truth once we discover it in the Word and believe the Word and mature in the Word we will continue to look and sound dirty and filthy though we are not. CHRIST JESUS will never turn HIS back on us and the FATHER will never again turn HIS face against us because we are forever being confirmed that we are blameless in the LORD CHRIST JESUS. Trust that we are being established and that our hearts are blameless and that we are holy in the sight of our most Holy GOD and FATHER now and at the coming of our LORD CHRIST JESUS. Our GOD is of peace HIMself and in HIM we are consecrated in HIS completion. Remember, I informed and reminded you that we are not lacking or missing anything within our spirit, soul or body. We are blameless and preserved my brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS!

Colossians 1:22, 28; Eph. 5:27; 2 Peter 3:14; 1 Cor. 1:8; 1 Thess. 3:13, 5:23


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