

When the children of the Living GOD are in a relationship with their FATHER and their Big brother JESUS and being taught by their teacher the Holy Spirit, life is wonderful for us. We know that our FATHER has replaced that foul and corrupt language that we once practice with such ease. And now we speak in the manner in which our mouth was formed for. Out of it comes a sharp sword which is the living Word of GOD. Because we study and live in the Word of GOD. We know that we are hidden in HIS hand and polished like a ready shaft; (handle of an arrow). And in HIS quiver; (the case for holding the arrows) we are hidden.

To our FATHER first we praise and offer thanksgiving to our FATHER, JESUS and the Holy Spirit. Throughout the day we pray for others and speak words of encouragement to ourselves and others. Why? Because the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of GOD is not only in our hearts but it’s in our mouth.

When we study the Word of GOD we find that it’s not judgmental against the children of GOD. The Word of GOD is loving and teaches us to be loving towards ourselves and others especially our enemies. We are to always speak lovingly towards them even when they don’t deserve to be spoken to in this way. Yes, it will be difficult and yes, our flesh will rise up and want to give them some words that will make them wish they had left us alone. And then we will later feel horrible and will have to say to our FATHER that we are sorry for speaking that way to that person. GOD’s Word is living and most powerful than we are and those empty evil dark words that we could say. GOD’s words are sharper than any two edged sword, HIS words pierce and divide the soul and the spirit, the joints and the marrow. The marrow is the richest source of the blood supply. GOD’s word truly knows the true intents of our thoughts which comes from our heart.

We must always keep in the forefront of our mind that JESUS has the final word. And the battle really has already been won and that we are the victors. Out of the mouth of JESUS is a sharp sword that strikes all nations. So any nation that has non-believers they will be dealt with. Not as the entire nation per say just those who did not believe. Those who did believe will be gathered with HIM as promised.

Is. 49.2; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 19:15

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