The SON pt 8

barbed wire cross


Many of you may not realize that those who have answered the true calling of CHRIST JESUS did not just step into a family tradition. We were not voted in or educated ourselves into a position. No, for the majority of us, this calling was furthest from our minds. Yet, when we answered, we lost some family members, so-called friendships, big money grip employment, some of us relocated into areas of states, cities or countries we never thought we would be found in.  And we don’t miss any of those things because JESUS is worth more than this world can ever offer.

JESUS gave specific gifts to specific anointed titled people. You can’t purchase the anointing, you can’t educate your way into the anointing, and you can’t be liked by someone to get the anointing. These gifts belong to JESUS and they are HIS to give to whom HE so ever desires. JESUS has established a governmental office which holds five consecrated anointed titles.

  1. Special Messengers / Apostles
  2. Messengers / Prophets
  3. Good News of Salvation speakers / Evangelist
  4. Under-Shepherds / Pastors
  5. Guides, Instructors / Teachers

Collectively, working together we will be able to equip to the fullness of each and every saint that has a desire to learn how to live in the perfectness of GOD’s will. However, it’s up to every individual to desire all that JESUS has, because what HE has belongs to you.

Each and every one of us must be built up in our most holy faith daily. Not once a week, two or three times a week, but daily. Whom you love is who you crave to spend as much time as possible around. JESUS desires that we all become one (1) in the faith. But at this moment we are here, there and everywhere in the faith. Not only is it up to the fivefold ministry to help one another to mature, most importantly it’s up to the individual his / herself to read the Word of GOD. Come armed with questions to ask while in bible study and if the answers don’t come across clearly study with a Strong’s concordance. The bible is not a book to rush through, take your time to learn just who the SON of GOD really is. You will find yourself beginning to become mature in the Word the longer you study, and the more focused you become in wanting to become more intimate in your personal relationship with JESUS.

Stretch out on faith, stretch out on the Word, and reach towards the measure which is the fullness of CHRIST JESUS. You will begin to see that JESUS does not pick certain people to do anything, JESUS operates through people who operates in faith. You will see HIM using you to exercise HIS spiritual gifts within you also.

Also, another point that is crucial is that JESUS desires that we all have a heart that desires to encourage ourselves and others. Nothing about us is to be selfish. Our daily encouragement is to know that we have an assurance of salvation. This understanding that we have makes us rich beyond measure with joy. For we are armed with the true mystery of our faith which is the knowledge of GOD who is JESUS CHRIST.

Ephesians 4:13, Col. 2:2


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