Part 3, Faith Series-Speak Faith



June 23, 2020

Speak Faith

Romans 1:8

The faith of CHRISTianity is spoken about all over the world. Some favorably and some unfavorably. I believe that those who speak favorably are those that may be teetering on the brink of becoming a CHRISTian themselves soon. And those who speak unfavorably are those who have listened and watched us from a distance taking notice that most people who profess to be Christians are wishy-washy, one minute they are speaking faith and the next they are speaking as the world. One minute they are exhibiting religion and the next what appears to be holiness. People who have such lifestyles are those who have not surrendered completely, they still have much too much of self rather than an abundance of CHRIST JESUS. They profess but do not possess. They attend church service but the church is not within them. The world is waiting, watching, and looking for the ones who are true CHRISTians to receive from them the answers that they seek aware or unaware.

What are your views, exactly what is it that you believe regarding the life of CHRISTianity?

The reports of CHRISTianity [posessors being blood washed] and Christianity [professors, carnality, legalistic, religious] are going with lightning speed that which is represented in conduct and verbalization. Are we being obedient or disobedient to that which has been left for us through CHRIST JESUS? Can the majority of nonbelievers rejoice about what they hear and see from us to the point that we are winning swelling numbers of souls to GOD through CHRIST JESUS? Are we living wisely [godly, innocent, loyal, and true] or unwisely [evil, guilty] lives before people in our public and private lives? We must remain clear and not smeared with filth about being innocent to cause rejoicing wherever we may go.

Speak faith even when nothing can be seen. Remind self about the people of faith such as Noah who built an ark for one hundred twenty years before one drop of rain ever fell from the sky for the very first time in creation. Can you imagine praying for what we have faith for that long? Nope because some of us give up after one-three times in prayer believing that what we are praying for is not meant to be. Noah did not ask to be a builder of an ark but he had the faith in what was spoken to him from GOD to do so. I am certain that it got the better of him some times to be laughed at and made fun of. Yet, he kept on building. He kept reminding himself and his family about the faith that they are to continue in. This is something that today we forget or do not consider to do and that is to remind ourselves, to speak faith so that we can be encouraged and inspired by what GOD has said versus what we understand and what others are speaking to us. Know that you know regardless of what is seen or felt about the promises given to us in CHRIST JESUS.

Speak faith!




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