Faith Series XV-Faith towards JESUS CHRIST



June 22, 2020

Faith towards JESUS CHRIST

Acts 20:21, 24:24, 26:28

Many of my siblings do not know or do not understand what repentance is. Repentance is to change your mind, to turn away not turn around. To turn your back is not a turn of three hundred sixty degrees but rather one hundred eighty-degrees, it is an about-face. It is important to make that clarification because it is heard all the time that they are or someone that is being spoken of has made a three hundred sixty degree turn and if that is so then all that has been done is that you or the person being spoken of has faced again what was intended to be turned away from. If we face again in the direction that we mean to turn away from, what we will do is continue in that original direction. I hope this has been made clear.

All blood-washed believers after receiving their heart transplant repent, it is at that very moment that we have acknowledged that we are sinners and that we need a Savior and that Savior is CHRIST JESUS. We do this by hearing and listening, believing, and confession. After that comes the reading and study of the Word of GOD, attending a teaching ministry, forming a relationship with JESUS. Doing these will help us to apply GOD’s Word to our lives and to live in victory as HE intended for us all.

I like how the Amplified Bible breaks down for us to have a clear understanding of repentance in Acts 20:21.


  • Change your old way of thinking (Rom. 12:2)


  • Acknowledge that we are sinners (Rom. 3:23)
  • Live your life in the manner which will prove repentance (Gal. 2:20)
  • Seek GOD’s purpose for your life (Mt. 6:33)



Whoever, are you a whoever? Without exception. Whoever believes in JESUS will have eternal life. If anyone who is a whoever dies an earthly death, though you mourn, you will not mourn as the world does, not knowing yet saying silly things like [god needed another flower for his garden or another angel or he/she is in a better place]. Notice how I wrote god in lower case because the Almighty GOD does not kill, murder, or cause the death of any kind. GOD allows death to happen. CHRIST JESUS is the owner and possessor of the keys of death and death have been defeated, [1 Cor. 15:26, 54-55, Rev. 1:18]. So what does that mean? Though some of us will face an earthly death [ Rom. 5:12, 14, 17, 21 ] it is only the flesh that has died not the true and real person which is the spirit. They have only gone asleep in JESUS waiting for HIS resurrection, Jhn 11:11, 25. We all know the scripture John 3:16, so if we truly believe that GOD loves those who inhabit the world [planet earth] why do so many get angry with GOD who has done nothing by way of causing our loved ones to die? It is because it is not believed and it is because the truth is not known. Those of us who believe and believe that our loved ones who have died will mourn but it will be a mourning of missing their voice and touch. We will rejoice in the knowledge that our loved ones have only gone to sleep and will be called forward in the decided time when we all will see CHRIST JESUS in the air and meet HIM as HE will usher us before the FATHER.

Whoever repents because the Word of GOD has been heard and listened to, the one who heeds the message of CHRIST JESUS by believing and trusting in JESUS will possess eternal life because eternal life will actually begin that very second the heart trusts and transformation begins. The acquittal for judgment has passed away and the crossing over from death to life has begun. This is our promised from CHRIST JESUS that HE is the Resurrection and the Life whoever [there it is again whoever] believes, trust, and rely on that CHRIST JESUS is truly the Savior will never die. Will you believe this to be true or will you continue to say silly things that will cause people to move even further away from GOD due to their anger with HIM not knowing the truth. Repentance in salvation is like this, we do not hope that our name is what it is, we know. Salvation is not something that we hope will get us into heaven it is knowledge due to assurance in CHRIST JESUS. CHRIST JESUS is our torch/light in this dark and gloomy world we are to anchor our hope in HIM alone by relying on the truth of HIS message to us all. It is my petition to each and every reader that you yourselves and your sharing with others that with a deep heart knowledge you know and believe JESUS to be the SON of the Living GOD and The CHRIST which means The Anointed One, The MESSIAH, The Savior, The Door which only believers in HIM may enter into to see the FATHER GOD in heaven. True life is found in the name of JESUS. Many people think that salvation only comes by leading others into what is not found in the Bible “this sinners prayer”. Romans 9-10 simply lets us know the steps which we are to take.


  • Believe in your heart JESUS


  • Confess with your mouth willingly that JESUS is The LORD
  • Believe in your heart that GOD raised JESUS up from the dead



Then you are saved.


  • With the heart, people believe and the result will be the continuation of trusting, relying on, and leaning because we have been made free from guilt and shame, free from sin, made acceptable and righteous.


  •  With our mouth, we keep making public confessions resulting in our salvation and deliverance.



Keep in mind the following and though your heart will be sad when people that we speak with concerning JESUS walk away or are not ready to receive their gift of salvation from CHRIST JESUS. That during the ministry of JESUS, many saw what HE did and heard what HE said and some did not receive HIM. Also, when Paul spoke with Agrippa he said to Paul, “you almost persuaded me to become a Christian”. Some of us will plant and some of us will water but it is GOD alone who will get the harvest.


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