Genuine love is unconditional. The way GOD loves us is Agape Love. Regardless of our rebellious nature, GOD will love us. Agape love/unconditional love shows honor, it causes us to want to be a help to those who dislike us for whatever reason, it causes us to show honor to people and especially our GOD. When we love as GOD loves we rejoice, are hopeful, we exhibit patience, we have a consistent prayer life, and though this is not the end we show hospitality towards others meeting their needs beginning with our brothers and sisters in CHRIST. Unconditional love is our foundation. We who belong to CHRIST JESUS operate in the gifts/fruit of the Holy Spirit of love.
Unfortunately, everyone does not understand just what love is. So allow me to explain this concept of love to you. Before GOD created anything in heaven or earth HE knew you and HE loved you. GOD knew that once HE begins to create that there would be rebellion found in the heart of one of HIS angels and that because of the pride found within his heart that HE would have to evict him and that the angel which was evicted along with his legion of followers will never receive HIS forgiveness.
GOD also knew that the prince of darkness would come into the Garden of Eden, that he would begin the process of causing the world to be sinful and that mankind would require a Savior and Deliverer from the clutches of sin and death.
Now, think about all the evil thoughts that you have had. GOD loves you. Think about all the rebellious actions you have done. GOD loves you. Think about all the evil words which you willingly threw out of you mouth in general conversations or to purposefully hurt another. GOD loves you. And, if I have forgotten to mention anything else but you can recall something which has been omitted, know this, that even through that. GOD loves you.
Love is not a feeling that we have for another and then all because something has gone awry we no longer love that person. For example, before I married my husband he was the best boyfriend I had. After we got married he turned into the monster that was well-conceived. I no longer loved him in the manner that I once thought that I had for him. After our divorce, I still love him we are parents and grandparents and we see one another from time to time. My love for him is still there but it is limited (friendship love). I desire only the best for him, it hurts me to find out that he is having health problems. And, I desire that JESUS will find him. However, the person that I am unconditionally in love with is far different than the love I had ever experienced with my former husband. This love that I share with him is a growing love and has seen us through some turbulent times (limited) as well as many (too many) incredible days, weeks, months and decades. Each day I look forward to what we will share with one another today.
And, yet, GOD’s love for us is deeper and wider. Face it none of us ever woke up with GOD being the first person on our mind. For some, GOD never enters their thoughts and for others, HE may cross our minds for a moment. But at that moment do we glorify HIM, do we praise HIM, do we exalt HIM, do we thank HIM, do we thank HIM for loving us first and for giving us HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST?
We are consistently on the mind of the FATHER, the SON/CHRIST JESUS and HIS Holy Spirit.
Ok, let us recap the love that GOD has for you.
- GOD loved you before you were ever created
- GOD loved you regardless of all the things that you did, will do, have thought of and have said
- GOD gave you HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS as the paid in full/propitiation/ransom/sacrifice for our sinful nature
- GOD sets free and delivers all those who believe in HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS
Once we experience/know the love of GOD then we begin to love HIM as well as others.
1 John 4:10, 19