ABBA is the Aramaic translation of FATHER. Only males can beget children, they are the only ones who can be the generator. Abba (earthly fathers) become the ancestor of his offspring, the progenitor. The title of honor and respect. The title itself is not holy but it is a title that denotes that the child has an intimate relationship with the man that is biologically tied to him/her. This title has been known to be used by children who are adopted, has a step-father or father-figure. GOD/ABBA, unlike earthly fathers, is not One who will deny us or brag about us, yet, has not had any input into our lives. GOD/ABBA is better than the best father we have in our lives. For those of you who do not or did not experience a positive life or a life at all with a father, you may find it difficult to see GOD as ABBA/FATHER, let alone your DADDY. All humans have a father, but all humans don’t have a daddy. A father is the one who planted the seed that caused us to be. A daddy is a provider and teacher. The one who takes his arrow (his kid, kids) and point them in the direction they are to go in life and with his bow shoot them in that direction. He is the one who sets the atmosphere in the home of leadership. To all mankind GOD/ABBA is our FATHER but only because HE is the ONE who created man. When people say that GOD is their FATHER it is correct but we must look at how HE is their FATHER when they do not have the SON/JESUS abiding on the inside of them. Take a look at the Israelites that were set free from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, they were the children of the Living GOD but they were not saved. Before they reached Mt. Sinai and the Ten Commandments was written, grace was with them. After, all that went down at Mt. Sinai they had to prove themselves through works by the conditions of the Law of Moses. I shudder to think how many died in righteousness and how many died lost. Well, it’s like this today, those who do not have grace abiding within them they are not the sons of the Living GOD in the sense that JESUS came to cause. Anyone who has CHRIST JESUS abiding within, and they are living in CHRIST JESUS is not only a child of creation who is the descendant of Adam, but we are better because we have been adopted by the washing of the blood of JESUS and grafted into the family of JESUS to be the sons of the Living GOD. And because we have sonship we can come boldly before the Almighty GOD and call HIM DADDY.
Often in the scriptures, we can find JESUS telling HIS disciples about HIS ABBA/FATHER. Whether it was in public or when HE was in agony about something that HIS flesh did not want to go through but because of HIS obedience to HIS ABBA/FATHER, HE did just what HE was sent here to do. Those without JESUS abiding within can’t understand the deity of CHRIST. We know that HE is one hundred percent Man and one hundred percent GOD and some of the most mature CHRISTians when reading the Word of GOD have a difficult time separating the Man from GOD in the scriptures. When JESUS was praying in the garden asking HIS ABBA/FATHER to choose another method to complete the mission this was his humanity speaking. In most cases when we are facing extremely difficult times in our lives we forget to run directly to our ABBA/FATHER and cry out to HIM letting HIM know what is going on and that we need HIS help to either get through this trial or to get out. Our telling ABBA what is going on is not as though HE is unaware, HE sees all and HE knows all. In the difficult times in our life, we forget that our ABBA/FATHER can do anything because nothing is impossible for HIM, HE can do anything that is good and what is best for our favor. We must believe that it is not HIM that sent the turmoil that we are going through saying that it is the will of GOD. No, ABBA/DADDY does not send confusion and turmoil into our life because HE is not the author of confusion. We need to understand that some of the hell that we are going through was because we walked or ran into it with eyes wide shut. Though we are in hell all we need do is call out to ABBA and HE will lead us out. JESUS already faced hell for us so why are we going through it? I sometimes ask people “what in the hell do they want?” Not using this to be profane because generally it is used as such. We are facing hell because we are following our own will rather than the will of the ABBA/FATHER.
So, the question is, who is your ABBA, abba? Notice the lower case abba, I refuse to capitalize the father that those without CHRIST in their lives worship knowingly or unknowingly. Fact, you minus CHRIST equals your abba/father being satan. Are you in fear are you in bondage to someone or something that you unknowingly have victory over? Then maybe your abba/daddy is satan because if your ABBA/DADDY is the Creator, Ruler, and KING over everything then you do not have a spirit that causes you to be in fear or bondage. The Spirit that ABBA/FATHER has given to us is the Spirit that comes with love and power to have a calm and well-balanced mind with discipline and self-control. Your abba/daddy gives you the spirit of opposition to what our ABBA/FATHER gives to us. We have been adopted praise GOD to be sons rather than mere children through CHRIST JESUS and is given the Spirit that causes us to call out ABBA/my FATHER/my DADDY. Remember, when we were, wee tots, and someone or something hurt us to the point that we were crying, who did we call out to? I know, mother (lol) but some of us called out to both. Also, because we have been adopted, we are given a name that can never, ever be cut away or off from us. WoW, this is so amazing!
Now that we are the sons of the Living GOD and HE is now known to us as ABBA/my FATHER/my DADDY/my DA/my POP/my POPPY or whatever affectionate name you call your earthly daddy that no other man has of honor to him. We have from HIM the Spirit of HIS SON JESUS. What!? Wait a minute, we have the Spirit of CHRIST JESUS, I thought that we have the Holy Spirit! I know this is how I reacted some years ago when I was given the revelation knowledge that the Holy Spirit is the same Spirit that JESUS released from the cross. “FATHER into YOUR hands I commit MY Spirit” Lk. 23:46. WoW, kinda awesome, huh!? This is why HE told HIS disciples that HE was not leaving them comfortless because HE was going to send HIS Holy Spirit not encased within HIS flesh any longer and not just hovering over as it was in times past but He will now reside within our heart. And He will be the cause of why we acknowledge and call out to ABBA/our FATHER/our DADDY to no longer just refer to HIM as GOD but because of the intimate relationship, because we have become so comfortable in HIS presence, we now call HIM ABBA/DADDY/FATHER. And, we can sit up on HIS lap to rest and love on HIM.
Mark 14:36; Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6