AMFBeM Newsletter

August 7, 2020

The Holy Spirit does the choosing-Acts 9:15

In the context of this scripture, we find a righteous man being told by CHRIST JESUS to go to a man known for evil. The name of the man is Ananias, he was not aware of the fact that evil Saul had been chosen [by JESUS and HIS Holy Spirit] and become HIS vessel, received a heart transplant, and renamed by the LORD from Saul to Paul. 

Before I go on let us see why JESUS changed his name. This is my own opinion; the name Saul means to borrow whereas the name Paul means humble. I have often been told that the names that we place on our children must not be something without thought. Each time a person’s name is announced we are calling forward what the name means which is apart of the molding on a person’s character and integrity. My name means grace and throughout my life, that is exactly how I have been towards people before my conversion in JESUS and even the more after my conversion. I have shown kindness, and the disposition to be obliging towards others. 

Those who love the writings of Paul can see just how humble he had become after his conversion. Now, back to the text. 

This is what happens to us, we are chosen vessels by the Holy Spirit of JESUS and we have HIS name marked on us. HIS stamp of approval, HIS verifying seal. Once we are baptized in the Holy Spirit we are set apart from the world, we are given a work by which we have been chosen. 

I have heard that so many of my siblings run away from their calling only to give in at some point in their lives. Every calling is not a public calling, some are called to be in the background doing the work by which we have been called to. Such as a godly spouse and parent, a volunteer, a writer, a public speaker, an exceptional employer, or employee, a student, and so on. Wherever we are or wherever we have been instructed by the Holy Spirit to be, we are chosen for the task at hand and we do everything for our LORD JESUS. Stop fighting. What is your passion, what are your dreams, goals, and visions, where do you see yourself and what are you doing? Be obedient and cooperate knowing that what and where we are not about us but about our being chosen by the Holy Spirit. 

We are to acknowledge the LORD our GOD first and foremost giving ourselves to HIM first thing to operate in us as HE desires and tune our ears to hear HIS voice throughout our day. If the Holy Spirit desires for us to speak to someone about JESUS than do so without fear because He will endow us with His power to accomplish that task. Otherwise daily just exhibit His style, His character, His integrity, His swag which is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is the evidence that we are no longer that old person but transformed into a new person. When we hear the Holy Spirit say to us go then we are to go, do then we are to do. 

As chosen vessels, we are different from those in the world. And the reason for our being different is because of GOD’s loving favor on us which should not be wasted by hiding our light which HE has been lit in us. The things that we are doing is not to glorify us but to glorify the FATHER through CHRIST JESUS.

Godly counsel is good but ask the Holy Spirit who should we speak with that will sharpen us and that we can sharpen as well, iron sharpens iron. Here is a tip for us the desires of our heart may frighten or make us nervous because we may not understand how to achieve those goals. Be cautious about sharing with those who are not doing what we will like to do. Most often people without vision are incapable of seeing us doing well in our desires. They will try to get us to abort what we desire to do out of lack of vision, jealousy, hopelessness, as well as other various things. Do not cast/throw your pearls before swine/pigs. Get with someone that is doing what we desire and have become successful at that. Or get with those that you know whether they understand or not have a great capability to cheer and encourage others. 

Know that before we were ever made and placed into our mother’s womb GOD had already placed in our DNA to set us apart. HE is the ONE who called us out through HIS grace [Holy Spirit] to reveal HIS SON, JESUS to us, and to accomplish that which has been placed deep within us.

Our GOD is mannerly, gentle, kind, understanding, and so on. Though HE has placed within us HIS desires, HE will not force us to do anything, what HE does is ask us to do HIS will. GOD gives us HIS loving-favor and power by the Holy Ghost to be a success in our endeavors that HE placed in us to accomplish. We are not in what GOD has placed us in to gain accolades from people. We do through obedience because we are grateful and love GOD because of CHRIST JESUS. Though acknowledgment will come from people this is not our goal. 

I use to travel all over America speaking the truth about JESUS and though I loved the traveling part, I was not a fan of public speaking. After years of public speaking, I had to ask the FATHER is there another way that I can do what I am called to do without public speaking and there was a resounding yes. Understand that I am a background person, this is where I am most comfortable. So, this is why I am the co-author along with the author the Holy Spirit of this newsletter to continue in telling the truth about JESUS because I have been chosen and I am true to my calling by faith. I am through the Holy Spirit encouraging, providing information, inspiring, and teaching faith and truth. Those of us who are in the faith of CHRIST JESUS should desire to have the borders/hem of our garments/train/robe stretched further out. Did you know that we are wearing a garment with a train? Our robe of righteousness has a train much like the train of a bride’s garment. GOD also is wearing a robe and the train of HIS robe fills the temple. Our robes will not fill the temple as our GOD because HE has unlimited authority that we will never obtain and should not desire to have. But our robes of righteousness do have a train and the longer and wider the train the longer and wider the hem which exhibits authority given to us by faith and the actions of obedience toward our faith; Is. 6:1, 61:10, Job 29:14.

Finally, we have been chosen vessels by the Holy Spirit now cooperate.


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