
in-god-i-trustThere is no greater confidence than to have confidence in our GOD through CHRIST JESUS. Our assurance in our mind with a firm belief in the integrity, stability, and veracity of CHRIST JESUS, we have a trusting reliance in HIM as stated in Ps. 118:8, it is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in human beings. And because our confidence is in HIM those that see CHRIST JESUS within us will have confidence in HIM because of our obedience. We are to place and ground our trust with confidence only in CHRIST JESUS who will keep our foot from being caught in a trap, Prov. 3:26. With boldness, confidence and courage proclaim the Kingdom of GOD and share about the LORD JESUS who is the MESSIAH, Acts 28:31.

It is my sincere hope that we who are in the body of CHRIST are giving moral instruction to many and give strength to weak hands, that our words are encouraging, inspiring and supporting those who are falling and tripping and by doing so those that listen find that the joints in their legs are becoming stronger. However, let us who do this not fall into the trap of pride that we don’t accept encouragement and strength from others especially those who are our CHRISTian siblings. Most often we who are leaders become impatient at the first sign of trouble and the longer we don’t see the answer the less confident we become in the answer to that situation. Just as we expect by faith for others we must expect in faith for ourselves as well. GOD is our assurance HE will not disappoint, so, remain in the integrity of CHRIST JESUS who is our confidence and hope. Place no confidence in money, possessions, employment or people these things lead our heart astray because we have been seduced by them. Nowhere in the Bible will we find that GOD answers with a yes, no, maybe, or wait. HIS promises are yes and in HIM amen to HIS glory through us.

LORD JESUS, YOU are our KING forever YOU are eternally the KING. We have confidence in YOU because YOU actually listen to us and after we speak to YOU, YOU encourage our hearts. Those who are fatherless and motherless YOU prove to them that YOU are there and never will YOU leave them. YOU remove the oppression from us because of that state that we are in and YOU remove all fear and provide comfort. GOD the FATHER blessed HIM because HE has redeemed those who believe that we are saved from the punishment and torment of hell. How very blessed we are to have been chosen from the very beginning to be brought near to HIM to remain in HIS courtyards, we are satisfied in all YOUR goodness which includes the holiness of YOUR temple. YOU answer us through YOUR mighty actions in YOUR strength YOU are clothed in power the GOD of our salvation within we place our confidence.  

Here is a prayer of David that we can pray, however, with the knowledge that King David lived on earth and died before the birth of JESUS all the words in that prayer are not for us today. So, I will provide the words which will be acceptable for those who believe in CHRIST JESUS. Always make the prayer personal to you.

FATHER in the name of my Adonai, (Lord) (YOU) heed (to) my cry; YOU listen to my prayer from (my) lips. Let my vindication come from YOU, let YOUR eyes see what is right. YOU probed my heart, YOU visit me at night, and YOU assayed (test) me to show me that YOU may find evil thoughts that should not pass my lips. I desire that my steps hold steadily to YOUR paths and my feet do not slip. Now, I call on YOU GOD, because I have confidence in YOU that YOU will answer me, YOU turn YOUR ear to me, YOU hear my words. YOU show how wonderful YOUR grace is, YOU are the Savior of those who seek after YOUR right hand and provide refuge from my foes (enemies). Protect me like the pupil of YOUR eye, hide me in the shadow of YOUR wings, from the wicked ones, who are assailing (attacking) me, from my deadly enemies, who are all around me. They close their hearts to compassion; they speak arrogantly with their mouths; they track me down, they surround me; they watch for a chance to bring me to the ground. They are like lions eager to tear the prey. Adonai, (Lord) confront them! Deliver me from the wicked with YOUR hand, Adonai, (Lord) from human beings, from people whose portion in life is this world. YOU fill their stomachs with YOUR treasure, their children will be satisfied too and will leave their wealth to their little ones. But my prayer, in confidence and righteousness, is to see YOUR face; on waking, may I be satisfied with a vision of YOU. In CHRIST JESUS name. Amen.

We have no need to be afraid of the unknown or the known. We can, however, have confidence in the LORD who keeps our feet from set traps. JESUS our LORD is awesome because in HIM we have confidence, we have security because we are the children of the FATHER and there is a place of refuge for us all. The LORD GOD the Holy One tells us, return and rest in ME this is what saves us; we will be calm because of the indwelling peace and we will have confidence which makes us strong, but we refuse to listen and return yet, we desire to be at peace. Have confidence in the LORD GOD who is our salvation because HE listens and hear us.

Receive those that come to us and with confidence trust that this is our opportunity to speak openly without hindrance pointing them to CHRIST JESUS our MESSIAH and the Kingdom of GOD. I personally am able to write this with a broken heart as the Apostle Paul had because I speak with those who proclaim to be CHRISTians yet, they walk in unforgiveness. This lets me know that they do not have the confidence required to believe on CHRIST JESUS who gave the greatest example ever about forgiveness. None of us have a right to unforgive, anyone because we have been forgiven by the LORD. All of us have stinking flesh and can at any time follow the cravings that it has. So who are we to not forgive? For shame! Because we continue to allow the enemy to have a right to come in and do as he pleases because of our unforgiveness of others and for ourselves as well. We must at all times be aware of our enemies’ devices. But I continue to have confidence that before the LORD JESUS return to gather HIS bride we will have one single heart and mind according to HIS commandment found in the New Testament.

Run this race well do not allow anyone to stop us from following the truth, the persuasion that is used to go against the Word of GOD is not from HIM who called us to HIMself. Let us be confident together in unity with the LORD that we will not take any other view and that the evil one he and those who continue to walk according to his ways and then die in sin will bear the punishment that’s prepared. Suggestion, get your DNA tested you may be surprised to find out that you are Jewish by natural blood as well as spiritual. I know that I was. We are GOD’s chosen people according to the Bible, however, that does not mean that Gentiles, those who do not have Jewish blood within them naturally are left out. Remember, Paul provided the message to the Gentiles and it was the Gentiles who received more readily in confidence. Gentiles are still more receptive to the Good News which contains the LORD’s unfathomable riches it is those who have confidence in CHRIST JESUS that can see the secret plan and how it works. The plan cannot be seen by natural eyes and is kept hidden by GOD our Creator of all things, those who are rulers and have authority in heaven continue to learn the existence of CHRIST JESUS and HIS community. Because GOD’s wisdom has unending facets. The purpose which was accomplished CHRIST JESUS our LORD is to be in union with HIM through HIS faithfulness this is why we can come to the FATHER with boldness and confidence. We do not place confidence in the cutting of flesh nor do we place our confidence in human qualifications as in days of old. Truthfully speaking none of us are qualified. Now, we are circumcised in our heart which causes us to worship by the Holy Spirit of GOD and boastfully proclaim CHRIST JESUS without shame.

Pray for all leaders and for those who are bold enough to share the LORD’s message and that all who have received will spread the LORD’s message with others. That all who spread the gospel of CHRIST JESUS will be rescued from those who oppose the truth for they are evil and wicked don’t be fooled because everyone does not hold trust in their bosom. It is the LORD who is worthy of trust HE will cause us to be firm and will guard us against the evil one. Those of us who are in unity with CHRIST JESUS share in the confidence that we all are doing just as we are telling other to do. We are not like the Priest, Pharisees, and Sadducees who burdened the people with unreasonable laws and rules yet never adhered to them themselves. The prayer is that we will have our hearts directed in the love of GOD and to persevere in CHRIST JESUS as only HE can provide.

CHRIST JESUS deserves more honor than Moses or any person that preach or teach us. Some of us have given the honor that JESUS should have from us to humans, we have made icons and idols of them which are false gods. JESUS as Son is faithful over the house of GOD. We rarely consider the fact that we are that house with the provision that we hold firmly with courage and confidence which is inspired by what we hope for. The Holy Spirit tells us that if we will hear the voice of GOD that we are not to harden our hearts as did our ancestors in the wilderness by putting HIM to the test. Look out and beware that none of us have evil lurking about in our hearts which is a lack of trust which will lead us to apostatize (abandon and forsake) from the living GOD. We must encourage each other every day because we need it. It’s too easy for us to return to the familiar and become hardened by sin all because we were neglected by our family in CHRIST JESUS. If we will only think, know and have confidence in the fact that we are sharers in CHRIST when we hold firmly to our convictions that we have in HIM until we have reached the purposed goal. Please don’t toss away the confidence and courage that has been given to us through the Holy Spirit with a reward. We will never have a need to question our salvation in CHRIST JESUS when we remain united in HIM. And I realize that most of my CHRISTian siblings are conflicted about whether or not they are still saved and will go to the alter time and time again to be saved by JESUS. Not knowing that what is actually being confessed is that they do not have the confidence in the complete salvation which was done on Calvary on that cross. Those that do however remain united in CHRIST JESUS and the perfect work that HE did on Calvary on that cross will not duck and hide in shame when JESUS returns. Here is a test that I often do when I’m not sure about my actions and thoughts. Suggestion: Maybe you will like to exercise this as well. If our hearts do not convict us of wrong then we have the confidence to approach our FATHER and whatever we ask of HIM we will receive. Not in our time but in HIS perfect time because HE always rewards those who are obedient to HIS will because we live to please HIS desire for us. Ah, to have the full knowledge and confidence that we possess in HIS presence to ask anything which is in accordance with HIS will that HE hears and answers us and never negatively. So from this day forward live, speak and walk in the confidence of the LORD.  

Jb. 4:3-6, 31:24, 28; Ps. 10:16-18, 17 (entire chap.); 49:15; 65:5-13; 118:8-9; Prvbs. 3:26; 14:26; Is. 30:15; Mic. 7:7; Acts 28:30-31; 2 Cor. 2:3-11; 7:16; Gal. 5:7-8, 10; Eph. 3:8-12; Philippians 3:3; 2 Thess. 3:1-5; Phile. 1:21; Hebrews 3:3, 6-8, 12-15; 10:35; 1Jhn. 2:28, 3:21, 5:14


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