1 Samuel 2:10
In this verse of scripture, we may take notice that this is a prayer given and offered by Hannah the mother of Samuel who was treated horribly by Peninnah the second wife of Elkanah. In this prayer came a prophecy about two Kings. In part, the prophecy spoke about King Saul the first anointed king who was to be anointed by Samuel for the deliverance of Israel. Hannah was still barren which means that Samuel had not yet been conceived. And, in part, the prophecy spoke about KING JESUS who is the Anointed KING of Kings and the Deliverer of people from all sin in the entire planet earth/world.
The MESSIAH JESUS is to be exalted above everyone and everything. The CHRIST is exalted in power because HE is The Anointed One. JESUS is the Anointed KING whose strength is exalted. JESUS is Victorious and HE has never lost a battle nor will HE ever lose a battle.
Luke 1:46
Mary the mother of JESUS exalts the LORD/Lord. Why? She knew that JESUS is the LORD who in Hebrew, the language of the Israelites/Jews means JEHOVAH/YAHWEH we can find this in scripture six thousand eight hundred twenty-eight times. ADON/ADONAI again means JEHOVAH. This means absolute control, Master, and Ruler. In Greek, the language of the gentiles KURIOS/KYRIOS meaning Supreme Master this can be found seven hundred forty times.
Luke 2:26
A man named Simeon who was old and looking to behold the MESSIAH was also filled with the Holy Spirit. He was given the promise that he would not see death until his eyes beheld JESUS The CHRIST which is translated as The LORD Saves. The promise was fulfilled when he entered the temple when Joseph and Mary presented JESUS to be circumcised as was the custom of the law. Simeon held JESUS in his arms and said “LORD/Lord, now YOU are letting YOUR servant depart in peace. According to YOUR Word. For my eyes have seen YOUR salvation. Which YOU have prepared before the face of all people. A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles. And the glory of YOUR people Israel.” Joseph and Mary were amazed, in awe, and marveled, at the words this dear man spoke which caught their attention. I am certain this had to remind them of the message that was delivered to them by the angel Gabriel.
We have to learn or remember that JESUS, HIS very name means Salvation, The LORD Saves, and The LORD is Salvation. Did HE not and does HE not continue to Save? JESUS is The GOD of many names, one of HIS names which is not used as much as HIS name JEHOVAH/YAHWEH, is EMMANUEL/IMMANUEL which means GOD with us.
Many often find the fact that JESUS is GOD either not true or a conflict of beliefs, believing that GOD and JESUS are two separate individuals. But here are just a few of the Holy Scriptures that does teach us the facts.
- Isaiah 9:6; 44:6
- Matthew 2:1-2; 28:8-9
- John 1:1, 14, 18; 8:58; 10:30; 20:28
- Acts 20:28
- 1 Corinthians 8:6
- Philippians 2:5-6
- 2 Peter 1:1
- 1 John 5:20
- Revelation 1:17-18