Thank GOD for HIS Grace on the lives of people


It is far better than what you are feeling in your heart

1 Corinthians 1:3-4, 7, 3:10, 4:8, 12:4, 31, 15:10, 16:23


We all go through times when people just get on our nerves also our last nerves, LoL. No one is exempt from this emotional feeling this is one of the reasons we cannot rely on our schizophrenic emotions. We can enjoy people one moment then the next we are feeling and saying that the same people are getting on our nerves.

The best antidote for our emotions is to think then say, “Grace and Peace from the FATHER who is my GOD and from my LORD JESUS The MESSIAH (CHRIST)”. This should be said until we can feel the Peace of GOD overtaking our emotions as we are experiencing HIS Grace. Next, speak to that person or to the people you are addressing saying this. “I thank my GOD for you because of HIS LOVE and HIS Kindness that is given to you through JESUS The MESSIAH”. This will cause a pause and an appreciation rather than us saying what we genuinely want to say according to the flesh. This will take lots of practice for some of us to do. But do not give up, this is to help us grow up in the obedience of JESUS.

Did you know that the more we operate in the flesh the more we miss out on GOD’s spiritual blessings? We all should want to receive everything that GOD has to give us, so let us do our part and not miss out on our treats. Those treats are various types of gifts that the Holy Spirit will give to whomever He desires. And though there are various gifts to have no gift is better than the gift of LOVE, this is the one that we all should eagerly and passionately desire, hunger for, and with eagerness wanting to have above the rest.

From the moment that we are conceived, there is a foundation being built in our life. What the mother feels and speaks goes directly into her unborn child. Also, the conversations that are being held around the expectant mother are being laid as a foundation as well. Then once the baby is born the foundation is continually being built on by either wisdom or foolishness. We all must be careful of what we are placing on the foundation in the lives of others. The worst of the materials that are being used to build on the foundation will be abusive words spoken, the next will be what we are teaching through our actions, and the last is physical abuse. Words last for a lifetime, once spoken there is no retracting them because they are like arrows, bullets, or stones thrown. Once these projectiles leave, we cannot chase after them and catch them, they are going to make their hit. Actions can be altered by becoming disciplined in learning a better way of doing a thing. The abuse of negative words can be healed but they are not forgotten, physical pain can be healed also but sometimes we are left we flesh scars. If this is the case do not consider them scars consider them to be medals because you survived the battles that you were in. Once we have been retaught through GOD’s Word how to speak and be with others be careful to not return to those ways that were placed on our foundation before we asked GOD through CHRIST JESUS to overtake our lives. Look at our lives this way, have we ever witnessed a building being gutted out but the foundation was kept? This is what has happened with us, our foundation was kept, but became fortified in the strength of JESUS and we are being built on with GOD’s most holy Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit all because of JESUS.

Some of us have been saved for many years and some of us have been saved and filled with the Holy Spirit for many years. This is a difference, it takes the Holy Spirit to call after us and speak to us in the hope that we will receive JESUS as our Savior. But it takes the baptism of the Holy Spirit to receive JESUS as our LORD. This is great but we should not lose sight of the fact that as long as there is breath in our lungs, we can still learn so much more from the Word of GOD. We still need to depend on JESUS, and we still need to ask for daily wisdom and understanding from the Holy Spirit. Believing that we know all that there is to know about The FATHER, JESUS, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible is foolishness. We are to grow into perfection from day to day and as long as we have not put on our new bodies which will be given to us in GOD’s perfect timing, we are not completely perfect. Our spirit man is perfect but our flesh is imperfect, Our spirit man is where we received our salvation in CHRIST JESUS, not in our flesh. This type of belief and thinking that there is nothing more to attain is a prideful spirit because this is one of the operations of self-wisdom.

We have all at one time in our lives coveted the lives of others, meaning that we wished that we had the lives of entertainers, our neighbors, our schoolmates, co-workers, or those that are in attendance with us at our local worship assembly. Mostly, we covet out of the perception that we have based on what we see. If we from the beginning of our childhood years were taught to love ourselves and to be encouraged to be the absolute best of who GOD created us to be, I believe that we would not want to be like those that we are watching. I believe that we will be thankful for who we are and that GOD’s grace was not and is not wasted on us. If you are athletic be the best athlete, if you are a blue/white-collar worker excel at what you are gifted to do. It does not matter, because GOD knows exactly who we are and where we are and HE knows how to locate us and use us for HIS glory. None of us should want to be the next whomever we admire, instead be the greatest you in JESUS and allow GOD’s grace to work all things out in you.

So, I end where I began, wanting GOD’s grace and peace to be with you all through CHRIST JESUS my MESSIAH.


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