The Grace of JESUS is enough


2 Cor. 12:9; 1 Tim. 1:18; 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:7


Why is the grace of the FATHER and CHRIST JESUS enough or made sufficient for us? Because it is only in HIM that we are to or can persevere.

Perseverance is to be persistent in anything we do; being in continual pursuit.

Life can cause us all to become weak. But it is in our weakness that we get to experience the awesome power of our LORD because HIS power is perfect. For us to experience GOD’s magnificent power if we are going to boast about ourselves, boast about how weak we are without our leaning and reliance on JESUS.

We must fight the good fight of faith and this takes perseverance/persistence. Living in this world with all the darkness of sin in every direction about us can sometimes get the better of us once we forget who we are or the promises that the Promise Keeper has given to us. So, how do we do this exactly, by running the race to become the winner? We are already overcomers, victors, winners but life happens to us all and we all get knocked down but not knocked out. The prize that we are eager to obtain is the prize of eternal life. We have been called to have this life in the FATHER and we have already made a heart-filled open confession with our mouth regarding the truth of JESUS.

But in our running the race we must at all times remain persistent. We are never to cease from training for our eternal life with the FATHER, JESUS, and the Holy Spirit. We are never to take a day off or go on vacation. Our hearts, minds, and strength are to always be on CHRIST. The enemy never takes a day off or goes on vacation so why are we?

When we persevere in JESUS, we will notice that we have in our possession from HIM, HIS power/strength to accomplish everything in HIM that we must do. Take on the attitude of being JESUS sufficient rather than being self-sufficient.



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