1 Timothy 1:14; 6:11-21
This is the grace of our LORD which is being poured out day by day on us. In full we are being given an abundant overflow of HIS grace which comes packaged in faith and love that are in union with CHRIST JESUS.
Chase After
To my spiritual siblings in CHRIST JESUS have the ears to hear this counsel of encouragement. Run from all errors. Chase after faithfulness, hope, justice, love, tender humility, and true holiness. Fight the good fight with faith. Place your hands on and hold onto eternal life because you are the called and you have made and make your confession.
The Resurrection and Demonstration
Our Most-High GOD is the resurrection of life and JESUS The CHRIST [MESSIAH, ANOINTED ONE] demonstrated a beautiful testimony that we are to follow faithfully and with a clear conscience until HE returns for us. No one and nothing has any idea of when GOD will return, HIS return is done in HIS divine timing. The Almighty GOD is exalted the only Powerful One the KING above every king and the LORD of Power. HE is the Only Immortal GOD. HE lives in the unapproachable light of divine glory. No human has ever seen HIS fullness nor can we, yet. All authority and glory belong to HIM eternally forever.
Pride of Life
Every person who has financial wealth should not be wrapped up in your concerns and the pride of life. Your prosperity and wealth should not be relied upon. Just ask all those who gained wealth and no longer have, how unreliable financial wealth can be when we make money our god. There is absolutely nothing that can compare to the Living GOD. GOD is the One who can fulfill our every need.
To the Wealthy
To my financially wealthy siblings in CHRIST JESUS, you are to be made aware or reminded that you are to be rich in extravagant generosity by being willing to share with others especially those in dire need. Spiritual investments provide the foundation for life and security for a great future ahead as they whom you invest lay their hands on eternal life also which is the true meaning of living.
Run from the empty echoes of what people say and do, their reasoning is perverted and twisted. Beware of those who claim to be wise [worldly wisdom] for they do not know the truth of GOD or they have walked away from the truth of GOD. We are to be ever mindful of GOD’s grace which will empower us always.