AMFBeM Newsletter

August 12, 2020


The Holy Spirit calls and gives to us our assignment-Acts 13:2

Did you take notice of this when you read the scripture? Okay, just in case you missed it this is what is written. “Now, separate to Me Barnabas and Saul/Paul to the work which I have called them”. 

This is why so many people are miserable where they are because they are ignorant of the fact that to do well where you are you must first be called to be there. When I was employed secularly, at fifteen my first place of employment was at a dry cleaner’s where I began to learn customer service. I fell on my face more times than I can count. For four years I was in training learning my craft in customer service and in time I did get better. At nineteen I became a secretary in the special police within the VA Hospital where I came in contact with many people and found that all that I had learned in the four years as a customer service clerk in a dry cleaner’s prepared me for another level of customer service that added on to what I had learned. At twenty-one, I entered another facet of customer service where I spoke on the phone for eight or more hours to the government and it is there that I received my doctorate in customer service. 

Today, in ministry everything that I was taught for thirty-five years in customer service prepared me for all the various people that I have, do, and will encounter. Customer service was where I belonged and though it may have been rocky in the beginning it’s ever so smooth now. Customer service is my calling, so to be called by the Holy Spirit into evangelism though at the time I had no idea what evangelism was regardless of my being mentored by two great evangelists. To be chosen by the Holy Spirit for this great gifting that made sense eventually because I have a heart for people, I want to see people come to JESUS and become better instead of remaining bitter. I want to encourage, inform, and inspire people in everything JESUS. And just as I did when I was that fifteen-year-old kid working in a dry cleaner’s, I woke up excited and ready to get to my place of employment, now, granted my motives back then was the money and the $135-140 a week which was a lot of money then and some carried over to my next payday was a great incentive. 

Today I wake up early and excited, as usual, to hang out with my DADDY, JESUS, and the Holy Ghost for a while and then come to my computer to type everything that the Holy Spirit desires for me to share with you. In the hope that those who will read these article and do not know JESUS will come to HIM, those who do know JESUS but not well, will want to get to know HIM better than they do having the borders of their faith robe lengthen, to help remove all the legalism and religiosity that you have been indoctrinated with so that you can live a life of rest and peace in JESUS and HIS Grace.

When we have been separated and called to do what we are anointed for be it secular or ministry we are entrusted to GOD’s care. If we have been anointed for ministry then we must do what we are anointed for and that is to bring the Good News/the Gospel of JESUS to the people. We were not called to mix politics and things that label us as activists and so forth. Some people have been called for that task just as there are people who have been called to be spouses, parents, comedians, journalists, and so on. Just because we can do those things that we do does not mean that we should and our exhibition of attitude and results will reveal the truth about our being in the wrong place doing the wrong thing.

When we surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit we will be given the power to work our gift, it is in this that we will recognize GOD’s kindness. What have you been appointed/chosen/set apart to be? Most likely the things you can see yourself doing is what you should be doing and where you need to be. Those dreams and visions you have are trying to tell you the direction you need to point yourself in. Do not allow people nor yourself to abort who you are.

We are not to appoint ourselves into a position, not be pushed into a position. Should we not follow the Holy Spirit to fulfill the calling on our lives we will not find honor in what we settled for. Recognize the call of GOD through the Holy Ghost and find that whether or not you are paid well, you would not give up your calling because it is your passion and you are entrusting yourself to be well taken care of by GOD through CHRIST JESUS.


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