AMFBeM Newsletter

August 27, 2020

The Holy Spirit fills us with hope, joy, and peace-Rom. 15:13

We all need hope, do you not believe me? Have you ever experienced a situation that you saw to be hopeless? Have you ever been or do you know hopeless people? The answer to those questions is a big whomping yes! Hopelessness is a revelator, it shows us that we are not attached to the source of hope. Hope comes from One source only, the amazing thing is that people do not have to be attached to experience the receiving of hope for a situation but it is far better to be attached to the lifeline of hope than not.

GOD is hope, HE is the GOD of hope and to everyone who is attached to HIM, hope will never be deferred. Hope will always be the expectation of obtaining the good that we desire. Those who have eternal hope know that we can have the possibility to possess the impossible. Hope is always accompanied by joy and peace. When people do not have joy and peace then it is a direct reflection that they do not have hope.

To have hope we must first be filled with the Holy Spirit who is the power source. He gives hope in abundance. Having hope will cause us to exercise our consistency of rejoicing due to the hope that we have in CHRIST JESUS. We are confident, consistent, firmly established, and firmly fixed in place. We are not a fickle people, we do not waver and it shows in our conversation and conduct [character and integrity]. We are patient people during times of distress that causes pain to the body and mind due to the affliction caused by harassment, misery, oppression, and unjust suffering. We are devoted to looking and asking GOD for HIS wisdom and when getting wisdom we must obtain the knowledge to understand. Having hope from GOD the GOD of hope will guide and strengthen us. 

GOD’s Kingdom is all about righteousness, peace, and joy in HIS Holy Ghost.


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