John 12:13-16, 23; 13:31-35; 17:1
In America, during April we celebrate what is called Palm Sunday. But do we know why this day is not only important but why we acknowledge this day? Receiving our palm branches is not for us to keep and decorate with. But if we do, when we look upon the palm which is drying out and turning brown, we should be brought to remembrance why we receive the palm and what we should do with it.
In John 3:13, the people took the palm branches and went out shouting Hosanna! [an Aramaic cry to GOD for salvation] / Deliver us! / Praise GOD!
Then they proclaimed through the acknowledgment that JESUS is Blessed and that HE is to be Blessed because HE comes/HE came in the name of the LORD GOD. That JESUS is the King of Israel but we need to acknowledge that JESUS is the KING of all Heaven and earth.
In verse fifteen we find that JESUS our KING came riding on a donkey. This was HIS earthly coronation to HIS people and to all who witnessed HIS coronation. It was here that JESUS was exalted but his disciples did not understand the meaning of what was taking place at that moment in time. We can no longer remain ignorant of what took place here.
JESUS has already had HIS earthly coronation. HE has been proclaimed Blessed because HE comes in the name of the FATHER. HE has been proclaimed the eternal King of Israel meaning that HE sits on the throne of King David. But not only that JESUS was earthly proclaimed KING of Kings all in this celebration of HIS coronation of being exalted.
Now, that JESUS has already been glorified and exalted and we must continue to glorify and exalt JESUS, one of the many reasons that we celebrate JESUS is exalting HIM is because all that has been written throughout the Old Testament and shared with us by the prophets has already been accomplished by JESUS The CHRIST. But it did not end there after JESUS was crucified for you and me the New Testament began and all the teachings from that point on help us to live according to how JESUS desires for us to live in HIS victory as overcomers in HIM. This is for every facet of our living, nothing lost and nothing missing.
What does it mean when JESUS said, “the time has come for the Son of Man [one of HIS many titles] to be glorified”? It meant that HE had to redeem/purchase all mankind from sin through HIS death, resurrection, and ascension from the grave and to return to HIS eternal throne in heaven.
JESUS is amazing in all things. But one of the things that astonish me because of my humanity and I am sure that most of you understand this. JESUS knew when HE chose Judas Iscariot to be one of HIS twelve disciples that he was of the devil. JESUS also knew that as HIS treasurer, Judas Iscariot was stealing the money [get and understand this please, why is a treasurer needed for anyone who is supposed to be indigenous; a pauper; poor? It does not make sense so it dispels the fact that JESUS was poor.] We, on the other hand, will get rid of anyone who causes us to be angry more than we enjoy their company, causes us to hurt emotionally and physically, and any other reason that we deem that we are being attacked. But JESUS did not. If you are missing this allow me to point out what JESUS was providing an example for us to follow, compassion, empathy, forgive, grace, love, mercy, and there may be some other attributes that I am missing in this lesson. JESUS understands that we may not be able to keep our enemies close to us as we exemplify these attributes to them. But should we distance ourselves from our enemies when they come into our presence, we should be able to show those attributes as if nothing were ever done to us that caused or causes us harm of any form. I believe that when we demonstrate the love that we have of JESUS that should be in our hearts, we cause our enemies to become discombobulated. Just as JESUS was glorified through perfect obedience, we to must continue to glorify JESUS through our obedience in HIM, and in doing so we will also glorify the FATHER as HE is being glorified in us as HE was and is in JESUS. Our obedience exalts JESUS.
In this paragraph, I want to help you understand just exactly and where exactly the LORD’s prayer is. Matthew 6:10 is not the LORD’s prayer but rather a blueprint, directions, guidance as to how we are to pray. If we want to memorize and pray the LORD’s prayer then that prayer is located in the chapter of John 17. Notice how JESUS acknowledges that the time has come for HIM to give HIS perfect sinless life for all criminal charges of sin that HE did and does not have but that we have. JESUS also acknowledges that HE is aware that HE will be resurrected for you and me. JESUS asked HIS FATHER to glorify HIM so that in return HE will exalt, glorify, honor, and magnify HIS FATHER through HIS complete obedience to the assignment of which HE descended to earth and accomplish. Exalt JESUS!